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Looking for a DECENT Republic Server...


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I'm going to give this game one more chance by rolling repub. I have two 50 empire and quite honestly it's very boring at level 50 right now and being empire just adds to that, I'm sick and tired of the darth, evil, BS.


So, is there any server where at the very least the republic MATCHES the amount of empire? If not, which server has the best republic presence?

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Still no response. Jesus, this makes me want to quit even more and not even give them a chance in the future. They said there will be no cross server LFD, so that REALLY kills republic, why would you go republic when every server is dominated by imps?


Stupid, stupid, stupid, so much time wasted. Do SOMETHING to fix this imbalance or this game will die within a couple months... server pops are already dropping like a rock.

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the swiftsure has the highest pop atm, still 4:1 emp to rep but at least rep has 150+ ppl on fleet so u can actually do stuff, its the unofficial aussie server so expect alot of ppl on 24/7 so u can always run stuff :)


Thanks, 4:1 seems like the best I can find. Most servers are 10:1 or even worse... I'll check it out.

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While I'm playing an Imp right now, I feel for you and I wish there was some way to get more Republic players. When my guild formed up, we had no clue things would end up so imbalanced, otherwise we probably would have given playing Republic a lot more thought.


Hopefully Bioware comes up with some type of reasonable solution to encourage more people to play Republic soon.

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I recommend checking out Veela if you are East coast.


It is about a 1.5:1 Empire:Republic Ratio in terms of people on the fleet. and a 2.3:1 level 50 empire to level 50 republic. Ilum usually is 2:1-3:1 Empire:Republic in instance 1.


I had a lot of Republic vs Republic Huttballs over the weekend, and huttball only makes up about 25% of my warzones. So we have a very healthy PvP population.


It's also a high standard to heavy server, so you will never have to wait in line to get in the game but will always have people to group with.

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