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ez fix for us to be balanced in pvp


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A) pommel strike, and the stupid kick ability are not broken, they are intended to work in pvp, so they dont need to be fixed (especially if they cost no rage and dont activate the GCD, that would be OP as hell in pvp)


B) any marauder worth his weight in dog poo uses about 30 abilities on a regular basis, the last thing we need is 2 more damage abilities


C) dont change force choke, if they made it instant cast 4 sec as a base part of the skill it would be OP due to the damage involved, and they would need to remove the damage



none of these would fix anything, they would just make us way too strong, force choke + pommel strike would be worse than operative openers


you realize that both these spells require some sort of action before you can use them IE getting a slow up (+1 GCD and ALSO at least 1 rage providing you're rage spec and talented into the less rage cost for slows).. not to mention it's impossible to get a pommel off without someone else cc'ing your current target, OR, while you have the target stunned with our AOE stun (which lol, why would you pommel someone out of cc that breaks on damage, or better yet waste a 2 minute cd trying to proc 1 rage saver)


while these abilities may not seem like a necessity to you, they could be tuned to allow a slight bit of extra burst where some obviously need it. (saying OMG GEAR UP NOOB when the only gear that isn't based on RNG requires a moderately long grind to obtain only makes you look stupid) and if you read your tooltips, you'll see they already have a decreased damage factor for strong mobs or greater (and as obvious by the fact smash does not stun in pvp, player targets are not classified below this point).


when your pvp endgame gearing system is entirely based off of RNG, gear dependent classes do not deserve to be pushed to the back burner regardless of whether or not people in battlemaster gear can nuke down a new 50 in half their rotation.


if you caught the high level beta servers towards the end of the beta period when the majority of the players were moderately balanced and our berserk provided 3% hp each tick you'd know we were still struggling to keep up to the overall effectiveness of say a sorcerer or BH in any wz besides Civil War and they still proceeded to nerf us by two thirds.

Edited by xteek
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