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difficulty of sentinel


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While I know a lot of people are complaining about how underpowered our class is, let me just say, ( and not in a elitist "qq more L2 PVP" kind of way) that you just have to get better. and champ gear doesnt hurt either, if your server is anything like mine (rakata mind prison) imperials out number us about 3:1. and most of them do nothing but pvp, so a lot of them are BM geared. so expertise is kind of essential on my server to do noticeable damage. I absolutely hated grinding my way to champ gear with my buddies who play a guardian and heal spec sage, who easily get 7+ medals every game from healing and protection. but now that i have, i have learned when to pop cooldowns and relics and stuff, and once you do that it makes it a lot more enjoyable. it just takes time to learn that stuff, and how to contribute to the game aside from raw damage numbers. ok, so we dont have a knockback, and huttball blows because if it. but you know whats fun? popping my 80% run speed transcendence while i have the ball, and then leaping to someone who just spawned on their side and scoring in less that 15 secs. now i repeatedly top the dmg side of the scoreboard. i crit for 5k with my mercislash while power relicd, and then it ticks for another 1500 with OS. just work on your rotation, and start critiquing yourself when you die. What could you have done differently?




just practice people, get better, and medals and high numbers will come. pocket healers dont hurt either. :)


oh and pve, we crush dps. were so nasty with our group buffs, i can never imagine an op wanting to go without a sent.


just keep your head up people. we have our uses. and if you havent read the various guides stickied in this thread. theyre genious.




Vive Gladio Peri Gladio

Edited by Emryies
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People will rage at you, but at the end of the day the success or failure of a Sentinel relies on intricately knowing your cooldowns and how to use them. If you're thinking about your next GCD, you're losing, at all times I know my next 3 with a subconscious focus on cauterize to watch for resets.


L2P is harsh, but at the end of the day, the biggest hurdle is knowing when and how to use everything, which isn't something that can be explained through text (maybe, just maybe a elaborate flowchart could work, but you don't want to memorize it that way). Find a high-performing sentinel or mara and straight up ask for help, don't dance around it, don't try to make it their idea, bribe them if necessary. Get on vent/skype/TS/mumble (some servers have public versions of those) and just talk to them about sentinels for a while. Learn the if/thens, learn what is and isn't in the realm of possibility, know how far/how long your cooldowns will buy you against 2/3/4/5 people.


Ask for help, don't come on these forums saying "It's not my fault". If you come here saying that, it IS your fault. The whole "elitist" attitude that so many rage against by and large isn't that we're not willing to help. It's the concept of offering help to someone who believes they can't solve the problem, and someone else needs to. The old mantra: if you're willing to learn, I'm willing to teach.

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agreed. I love helping people out. we had a sent join our guild a few weeks ago who just made 50 last week, ive been helping him and running wzs with him, and now he enjoys wzs as much as i do. hes steadily catching up to me in damage. Idk, i just remember how much i hated playing my sent when i hit 50 in pvp. i felt like i was so useless until i actually took the time to think about mistakes, and improvements on my rotation. for instance one of the most useful things i have changed in my generic starting rotation is popping OS in the air while leaping. things go down so much faster than when i waited until after my zealous strike to pop it. it took some getting used to, but im so glad i made that change.
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Let me put it more simply, if your not willing to have 14+ abilities hot keyed and have the cool downs memorized so your basically never looking at your tool bar this is not the class for you. You can still play it without thous things but you will never do more then about half the damage that ones that do.


weather or not that continues to be the case is up in the air but for now it most definitely is.

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Let me put it more simply, if your not willing to have 14+ abilities hot keyed and have the cool downs memorized so your basically never looking at your tool bar this is not the class for you. You can still play it without thous things but you will never do more then about half the damage that ones that do.


weather or not that continues to be the case is up in the air but for now it most definitely is.


I just signed up for the Sentinel Course at Temple U!

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