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Advance class change?


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wait and see, it might not be so bad!


Are you serious?


They are nerfing not one, not two but THREE of our main scrapper skills/talents. And not only slightly! They take huge numbers away from all of them.


The stun is not only useless now, it is actually counter-productive and should not be specced into anymore. That's one entire talent GONE.


The other two are both nerfed by approx. 20%. 20%!


20% is a HUGE number in a nerf. That's not nerfing with a scalpel but nerfing with a baseball bat.


There is NO chance in hell this is not going to affect us in a negative way much more than anticipated.

Edited by Farami
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like i said I'll take an advance class change token or something so i can still be the dps I chose to be not backed into heals or hybrid stuff, i want to dps SO pleeease give myself and all the other op/scoundrels a choice to repick our advance class especially since now i don't have the time to level another toon, this would FOR SURE keep me as a paying customer
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