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Sand box feature Suggestion for Future Expanion


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A good idea for an expansion is to add a new kind of sand box element to the new areas of future expansions, like Illum but in a larger scale that it is tied in with PVE, and prices of goods rising due to supply and demand, also affecting the AH.


The idea is, that it begins with demand on the supplies being over bought will rise the price. Every morning, the prices will be reset for example, but it has the potential to escalate and that is how the reset to the base price is affected from the previous situation being improved or neglected by pvp elements.


For example the price of something is 1 credit. After lets say 50 people buy the same item, the next person buys it for 2 credits.


That is an example of the supply matching the price for demand.


The idea here is to bring demand and supply into perspective in a game creating a real threat, and a nice sand box atmosphere in a theme-park game.


So when the prices go up, people have to go to pvp objectives to get more supplies to meet the quota so the reset is made for the next day to make things more affordable, or the prices for everyone will be a bit more expensive if pvp objectives are lost or ignored.



Special privileges: Supply and demand being affected by earlier buyers could have certain considerations when trying to get the best price just after the reset before the prices rise.


Lets say that when a faction has high demand creating high prices from thier own vendors, and they fail to bring or secure supplies for the reset, that it adds to a downwards spiral of violence in their own ranks from NPCs, and possibly other guilds.


So an example guild rank (special privilege) gives guilds contracts to certain exclusives for their items. So they don't have to worry about buying it on the first moment after each reset.


However, the threats on the environment from higher prices could be for example less vendors to sell items. So guilds will compete for resources among themselves with other guilds. Some of these vendors could be the exclusive contractor for a guild. So a guild would want to make sure that vendor is still supplying them and would want to protect their supplier's source.


Another example of PVE being affected is possible due to high prices there is more violence in the rural/urban areas in the game. There are more pick pockets, so a person walking in a dangerous area could lose credits that they are carrying.


Banks can be raided during this time. If we say a guild can raid a bank, their whole guild is marked to be punished. They can only remove the flag from being attacked by their own faction by some kind of community service. Paying back in full or other things.


Housing, spaceship can be randomly damaged when docked at a place suffering high costs, and there is no faction, or guild involvment to save that city/world. So it becomes more dangerous to visit.


I think this would be a great thing to add. However, keep in mind that it is as an expansion idea so you already have all the nice things that we keep safely, but by introducing these ideas, we make our possessions more valuable to keep as well.


Also damage in general to ships, pick pocketing, robbing the bank etc would all be mechanics adjusted to not be extremely imposing on solo players, or everyone in a themepark mmo. However the effect is to create more world immersion, more incentives to pvp, and a sense to join a guild to get more guild benefits as well.


This just an idea, feel free to add criticism or feed back. For example, the idea of guilds attacking each other in their own faction is not necessary and the same idea of violence/crime escalating due to low supplies and high prices could be implemented without that.


The reason is simply to make pvp have a purpose that affects our environment in different ways.


Lets say for example a person does pvp objectives, they become immune to pick pocketing.

Or if they succeed in pvp objectives their house is safe.

Edited by VegaPhone
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