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/getdown <---Bring it back!


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Just a small pet peeve, no biggie:


BioWare why is it.. That all the fun glitches get quickly patched, and all the annoying ones take a long time? Okay Like:


/getdown = Fun Glitch "Was funny, charming, harmless, worked wonders and was excellent for a good chuckle." But then someone had post it on youtube, word spread instantly around the forums shortly after, BW caught on, and later that night? It was good bye happy glitch! Now I know, you had to remove it to prevent players an easy grind on raid bosses. But why remove something that made the game allot more fun?


Instead of getting rid of it, why not just kept it, and turned it into a 30-40 second spell with a 5 min cooldown ~ that could've been obtainable through either a social, or a level 50 op vender, or something ya know?


Or just worked it in the normal emote where it would only interrupt for a short time and then stop? But "Noooo". Something harmless and trivial as /getdown got red-alert priority to-be-removed while: Laser Show an annoying glitch "Green lasers everywhere. Hard on the eyes, good for inducing seizures, took almost two months to remove?


Told ya it was a small pet peeve okay back to baking cookies now :)

Edited by Darth-Piranha
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