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-To all of you who ask for Arsenal nerf. please read-


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I've been playing this game since Dec. 13th 2011.

I'm a Red Zoner so I went through some problems in order to get it, but I did because I've been waiting for SWtOR for 3 years and I love it. I also wanted to get into the closed BETA but that wasn't possible. I was here for every BETA weekend tho.


(This isn't the point, just an intro...)


So, lately I've seen alot of threads around that sound more or less like this: "OP is getting the nerf.-bat, Sorc. or BH next?".


I personally have no problem with any class. I have 8 years of experience in competitive PvP in MMOs, and I've seen my share of inbalance but have NEVER complained about anything - on the contrary I always tried to get better and better, to investigate my errors and to fix them. (that's what I do IRL too, it's hard at times but it pays off quite well)


I'm an Arsenal BH and have ~ 30 Keybinds (I click on NOTHING) I use my mouse for movement only.


My point is: "...oh just intrerupt Tracer Missle, and look at them running around doing nothing" wrong:

You might get fake casted and waste your intrerupt.

You might actually intrerupt me but I'll still trample on you (95% of the cases).

Not all of us have 1 Skill on their action bar as you might think.

We aren't Overpowered if we didn't die after you intrerupted Tracer Missile.


All of you Mercs. there making Youtube movies of your geared BH toping the dps. charts with having just Tracer Missile on your action-bar you should really be ashamed of yourselves. You're the ones feeding the trolls and let's say the more casual "weekend PvP-ers" that queue for a Warzone and get stomped on by a player that breathes PvP, that plays the game FOR the PvP experience and that knows his stuff, knows how to beat you. You feed their frustration and you send them straight to the forums where they usualy vent that, most of times, unreasonable frustration.

I guess some of you feed on this and find it somehow exciting, but I won't go there...


!Do not get me wrong I have nothing against the more casual players or against the ones that PvE!


Back to the last paragraph, after seeing these movies they're all like "Nerf. Tracer, 15s c/d on it, 1 min. c/d on it..." Are you serious? In their ignorance they don't realise that something like that would kill this spec. totally. Arsenal would be = 0.


On the other hand they might drop their original class (the one that they found appealing and loved when they first started) just to reroll a BH go Arsenal and find out that they're not that good as they thought - go figure why.

And there you go! FotM rollers are born...


One more thing, if you're a Marauder and you complain about an Arsenal Merc. you should reroll to Uninstall Wizard.

If you're a Concealment Agent and you get destroyed by an Arsenal Merc. you should also do what the Marauder did.

I am talking here strictly about 1v1 balanced no influence from outside, no vantage point (duel situation). Not the given situation of you being inside The Pit in Huttball the Merc. is up on a platform and you get destroyed by him, that's our role that's what we're supposed to do.


Those two adv. classes are at the moment one of the more difficult adversaries that you encounter as an Arsenal BH. basically Kryptonite to us imo.


I have alot more to say but it's late I'm a bit tired and I don't want to bore you with walls of text. I hope you understood my message and won't misinterpret.


So, to all my effective fellow BH Arsenal brothers and sisters out there: Good hunting!

(And to all the other classes and players, find our weakness and kill us instead of asking BioWare to cripple us)


Peace! Xoxo

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I do pretty well as arsenal. I am very picky with my fights, where I'm positioned, and know when to run hehe. After a while though I am neutralized. I think non tank assassins suffer a lot against us. Mostly due to their lack strategy and directional gap closer.


Assassins stop usin force speed to run off the spawning area. This could have been used to get back on me ^^


Warriors stop charging me and walk up to me instead. You know I am going to jet boost you once you get close.




Those are the biggest I have seen other melee players make against me. I hope that is helpful to at least one other player.

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I have actually all but retired my level 50 champion geared merc, they are not OP in fact, i re-rolled to a different class because mercs don't have the necessary tools to be competitive in pvp. The lack of escape methods, interrupts make it less than optimal choice for high end pvp. That and the stationary gameplay makes it dull to me. I might try it again if they overhaul the mechanics behind requiring tracer missiles heat signature on everything I fight before the other tools even do normal damage but yeah... I dont see that happening.
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how to duel a marauder :



They force charge.


You uppercut and jet knockback...they should be slowed. You'll take some dmg...it's fine.


As they land you can hit a tracer if you are fast enough and they dont stealth right away.

They will stealth. DROP STEALTH DETECTION FAST. i always win if this is dropped on them.

(IF they don't stealth, keep spamming missles until they get close again.)

Pop unload.


When they get close, pop dmg reduction shield and strafe a bit away along with kolto healing.


Now they should be in melee range. Trade hits.


Uppercut should be back off CD. Upper cut again and trade powershots/tracer missle. It's fine if it gets interuptted. switch to other one.


If they're at 50% this phase or less, easy win...they should be around 70%.


When jet blast comes back up, use it...this will put their CC bar at 90%.


This time, they have no stealth and are slowed. 1 or 2 more tracer missles/1 unload for snare.


(sometimes i instant cast fusion missle here too)


At any point in time they use their CC break, u hit stun after. And drop a free cast death from above if you can do it quick.


If they do their low hp thing...tracer dart and run



You CC break force choke at any time. And give them a missile during their channel animation after breaking it..

You vent heat when needed.

You haven't used your instant cast cooldown (save for heal)

Chose when to use heatseeking missles and railshot.


And remember, u can't beat a marauder by kiting, you have to trade hits with every little distance you get.


(2 piece eliminator set is a must!)


Hope this helps.

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I have actually all but retired my level 50 champion geared merc, they are not OP in fact, i re-rolled to a different class because mercs don't have the necessary tools to be competitive in pvp. The lack of escape methods, interrupts make it less than optimal choice for high end pvp. That and the stationary gameplay makes it dull to me. I might try it again if they overhaul the mechanics behind requiring tracer missiles heat signature on everything I fight before the other tools even do normal damage but yeah... I dont see that happening.


Sad but true, the spec has fun utility with added jet boost and knock back rocket punch.... Heat seeker is an awesome ability, but tracer missle is SO BORING. The whole fact that u have to use it for heat signatures also is annoying. I have a 50 merc, went pyro Maybe I am not a huge fan of Ranged pvp at least not biowares idea of it...


Aresenal would be much better if they redesigned stupid tracer missle IMO.


Level 50 Maurader.... Oh now your talking pvp.....:)


Aresenal Merc is awesome at Huttball tho, albeit they arent a ton of fun in the non platform warzones tbh.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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I hate to be the barer of bad news, but did you watch the video about the up coming changes? They said they listen to their player base. It wasnt very specific as if it only pertains to PVE and/or PVP.


So, being out numbered by Sorcs, the operative community got pounded by nerfs.


BH's, also being out numbered... better pray the Eye of Sorcoman doesnt turn its gaze to you.


Good Luck.

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