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How is commando healing?


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Hey guys I'm wanting to make a new character and before now I've always been a healer but I decided randomly to play a shadow in this game. I was just wondering how is commando healing compared to the other healers in pvp? I have been healed by them but I'm not sure of the mechanics and I think the perspective of someone that has actually been playing one could help me. Thanks in advance.
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I've PvP'd at 50 as all 3 healers.




-Best burst healing. You have "supercharge cells" - 10 second ability that removes the CD of advanced medical probe...let's you spam AMP/MP, AMP/MP, AMP/MP about 4 times. Supercharge will be up about 1/3 of the time if you're exclusively healing. If you're dpsing some it's pre-requisite stacks don't build as fast.


-Nice damage reduction shield. 25% dmg reduction for 12-15(set bonuses) and with talents you're immune to interrupts while it's active.


-Ammo isn't really an issue as long as you don't spam MP(the base heal).


-The 31 pt talent is garbage IMO. I'm currently spec'd 24/17 for utility. In my spec with the 2pc dps bonus my aoe knockback is 15 seconds AND the strongest knockback in the game.


-You can put out solid damage as a trooper healer. I usually average 200k dmg/200k healing in a long warzone.




-In a full healing spec you'll put out the most raw healing if you use the aoe heal properly. That said I've never used a full healing spec on my sorc, the hybrid specs are amazing.


-21/20/0 = the best healer survival spec in the game

You have amazing utility in this spec, and every heal except the aoe. Your knockback roots enemies, when your static barrier breaks it stuns enemies, your sprint is reduced to a 20 second cd in this spec.


-21/2/18 = the best heals/dps hybrid spec in the game

I've put out 300k dmg/300k healing a couple times using this spec. You can get every single dps/heal medal on this spec.


-SPRINT. This get's its own topic because it's amazing. You can use it to quickly LOS enemies to heal yourself up, to get easy flag caps in Huttball, etc. Oh yeah, and you can pull an ally to you as a sorc/sage.





I don't even mention operative/scoundrel because it lacks utility imo. It's powerful, yes, but hot-based. If you want to be the only operative/scoundrel pvp healer on your server then maybe this is your class :p But not having a knockback as a healer really hurts.


My trooper isn't as geared as my sorc so maybe it can hit the same dps/heal numbers but sorc/sage has the most utility for sure. I'm pretty sure they're going to nerf sorc/sage at some point though so some of the utility I mentioned might not be there 1 or 2 months from now.

Edited by Jooji
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As said, really good and fun, but prob biggest learning curve out of the healers to play well. Best bust healing, worst AoE healing. Lacks combat rez. No interrupt also. Great utility still and DPS if spec some there. Can support tank really well too...


Ammo early on can be an issue but then you're not needing to mad heal then really, but once rise in skill, like Field Triage it's a non-issue really if you play your rotation right.

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