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GTN and selling


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Am i correct that when you sell something on the GTN that it is only local to that planet? It is getting increasingly harder to sell items even at competative prices. It seemed like I could sell more items on Nar Shaddaa am I correct that the auction house is specific to the planet you are on?
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Nar Shaddaa is a cross-faction GTN.


The one on the Fleet is Empire/Rep only.


There are no "local" GTNs.


ya its with in the faction, except on Nar. The Econ is broke to hell though. There is no insensitive to buy as speeder costs and training are so high so people save. That is not how an economy should function........anndd besides mods their is virtually nothing useful people can craft for other people to buy, so another point of a broken economy.

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My understanding is:


GTN on Imperial Fleet and Imperial planets: Empire-only, galaxy-wide (except Nar Shaddaa)


GTN on Republic Fleet and Republic planets: Republic-only, galaxy-wide (except Nar Shaddaa)


GTN on Nar Shaddaa: Both Empire and Republic, one planet only.

Edited by ArkhamNative
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