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Sith Warrior Final Boss (Kind of a spoiler). Fair fight?


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Alright, I have never defeated any of the other story line final bosses, but Darth Baras, in my mind, is a little over powered. I tried 3 companions, all of which had full sets of level 49 armor mods, Quinn, Jaesa, and Broonmark. What is the method to killing this guy? I was playing this on a marauder and in order to kill him I had to call in my sniper friend who tore him apart in a matter of seconds. I was avoiding his emperors voice and interrupting it when possible but his main attacks are what really killed me, even with all of my cooldowns going. He is dead now, but how would I go about killing this guy if I were to replay it?
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Like this, for me it was pretty simple to kill him. I was level 50 with the same gear you get from quests, no artefacts.


I had vette with me and some medpacks. I stopped his instakill thingy and just slowed him and kited, holding aggro while vette ripped him apart.

Edited by WickerThing
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He was pretty easy.. I think the second time I was really close to dying, but I never died once.


Elites were never really hard.. I just had a problem fighting two strong mobs at the same time :/


EDIT: Btw, I just silenced "emperor's voice" and I was using Quinn. I'm a DPS Jugg.

Edited by bfishback
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Two things you have to do during Baras fight. One is to interrupt his long cast time really mean ability. Another is to get out of his Stomp-like AE, because unlike SW Stomp, it persists in the area (and its instant cast so can't be interrupted). As long as you do two of those, he is quite easy. I would recommend Quinn or Vette so they dont get hit by his PBAE. Also make sure not to walk him into your companions.


Hope this helps some.

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Use Vette (It's poetic anyways).

Interrupt Voice of the Emperor.

Kite him around the Room while attacking.




Make sure you Channel Hate between fights. If you have to, wait until Stims/Medpacs are off cooldown as well. And use your Heroic Moment if needed.

Edited by Toogeloo
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If you killed avatar of Sel-Makor and Draagh you should be more than capable of soloing Baras.


First phase is a joke and the only thing you have to watch in phase 2 is Voice of the Emperor. I did it as rage marauder with Jaesa and it came down to:


p1 - outnuking him. Seriously, stand still, pop Cloak of Pain and trade blows with him. You'll win. Maybe use medpack if things get hairy but I never dropped below 40% using above method and I had commendation gear.


p2 - the same but using more defensive cds and kicking his cast. I leveled marauder twice and the second time I actually didn't use a single defensive cd. Don't even know why but I guess I was too focused on not letting him cast that I completely forgot about having them.


Essentially you stand there, kick his cast, Choke him on next cast, kick another cast, move far away from next cast (this came as a surprise for me as I thought that cast going off = instagib but turns out it has fixed range and I'm 100% sure it went off), kick next cast and so on. It's even easier if you're anni cause you can kick his every cast if you get your kick talented and outheal all the damage he does (save for Voice) when you pop berserk.


Like I said, you don't even have to pop defensive cds to win this fight. I instinctively Force Camo'd when I dropped to about 20%, let Jaesa tank on Blade Ward until she died and killed him in 2 seconds later. Between being able to sacrifice your companion (unless it's Quinn at which point this fight should be a complete faceroll), Cloak of Pain, Saber Ward, Call on Force and Undying Rage, you should be more than capable of easily roflstomping Baras.

Edited by gibmachine
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He was pretty easy.. I think the second time I was really close to dying, but I never died once.


Elites were never really hard.. I just had a problem fighting two strong mobs at the same time :/


EDIT: Btw, I just silenced "emperor's voice" and I was using Quinn. I'm a DPS Jugg.


i played a jugg 2 and HATED 2 strong enemies, they actually give more exp than 1 elite which, obviously, means their tougher, and suck to fight

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Use Vette (It's poetic anyways).

Interrupt Voice of the Emperor.

Kite him around the Room while attacking.




Make sure you Channel Hate between fights. If you have to, wait until Stims/Medpacs are off cooldown as well. And use your Heroic Moment if needed.


and using quinn is not poetic?

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I personally thought Baras was a joke. Use Quinn. If you didn't gear him don't worry neither did I. Now he has an instant kill Force Scream as soon as you see him activating it interrupt him then you're good. If you remember Lord Draahg had a attack in which the area he was attacking was red. Escape from it. Now take medpacs and stims. But Quinn should be able to heal you through it. Also keep Baras away from Quinn at all times or he will die by the AoE. this is a lot simpler then the Lord Draagh fight as he was a machine that did more damage and took less damage and was immune to incapacitating effects. So just use the basics that you used to kill Draagh. Then you get your Darth title.
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Baras was easy. I beat him in one go. I fought him as an Annihilation Marauder with no problems. It's a simple matter of outDPSing him and interrupting Voice of the Emperor whenever he tries to use it (If he gets it off, it's a one hit kill), and popping CDs when needed.


For companion, I recommend Vette or Quinn since Vette can still deal damage while you kite around if needed and Quinn can heal you throughout the whole fight.

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Baras was easy. I beat him in one go. I fought him as an Annihilation Marauder with no problems. It's a simple matter of outDPSing him and interrupting Voice of the Emperor whenever he tries to use it (If he gets it off, it's a one hit kill), and popping CDs when needed.


For companion, I recommend Vette or Quinn since Vette can still deal damage while you kite around if needed and Quinn can heal you throughout the whole fight.


Nah it's not a one hit kill, he actually pulled it off ones to me. It tickled :p.


But tbh Baras was really easy, Lord Draahg was 2x tougher.

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I just basically "stun locked" him to death. I ended up using Jaesa but I was also biochem. Not to mention I was a Vengence specced juggernaut. I would interrupt his long cooldown like everyone else said pop a force choke on him a force push to a saber throw and then to a force leap on him spammed dots on him of cource before this. With the dots and Jaeas he basically got ripped apart every fight. Honestly, the only hard part was the last part of the fight and I was just stupid going in at half health I had to pop blade ward and endure pain to survive but that was it.
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