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Reverse Engineering Button Missing


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So, I learned Armortech, did a bit of RE-ing, then ran Esselles. After leaving Esselles and returning to the Republic Fleet, the Reverse Engineering button is missing from my inventory pane. Has this happened to anyone else? I can't figure out how to fix it. I've tried reloading the UI and relogging.
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That happened alot to me in beta. The only thing I could figure out from trying diff things is when I had a special item in my bag sometimes it would vanish, or was doing an instance it seemed to disapear on me. It would show back up after a few minutes of being out of the instanced area. Hopefully someone can give us a definative answer on why it does it, because it seemed buggy to me too :confused:
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It was a bug from beta.

Honestly when I think about the game, this is my biggest complaint.... well this and I cant do crafting while on my ship.... but yeh.. would be nice to get that bug fixed.

Edited by Kuolema
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Were you in the mod screen for a piece of gear and had the mod window closed by something? Had the same thing happen to me when a companion finished a mission I think and the button was gone. Just closed and reopened the inventory and it was back.
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Were you in the mod screen for a piece of gear and had the mod window closed by something? Had the same thing happen to me when a companion finished a mission I think and the button was gone. Just closed and reopened the inventory and it was back.


Nope, nothing like that. Just running around and trying to do some crafting on the go. Whenever my companion came back with a crafted item, I'd go into my Inventory to RE it and it seems like there's about a 50/50 chance the RE button is actually there. It seems to go in streaks. I RE several items in a row after crafting them then all the sudden it's gone and I have to wait until I've crafted more stuff or done a few quests before it will magically reappear again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Use I instead of clicking inventory on ui.


Fix is to open inventory by using I instead of clicking the icon


100% reliable fix, so far. If I click the inventory icon, most of the time the RE button is gone. I just tap I twice (close, open) and there it is. Or just stop using the icon and force myself to hit I.


Just means sloppy code, sloppy testing. Nothing new here, odds are the priority on fixing this is too low to mention, i.e. never gonna be fixed. But, eh, got a dependable workaround, so we can live with it.


Party chat failing, on the other hand...

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