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Crew skills For A Sith Sorcerer?


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Which crew skills should I take for my sith sorcerer? I have been told that Artifice/Archaeology/Treasure Hunting is good, but Some people say that treasure hunting takes too long and only gives you crystals. Would Art/Arch/Slicing be better, while buying the crystals?

I want to upgrade my lightsaber with willpower so what would be a good idea for the crew skills?

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Which crew skills should I take for my sith sorcerer? I have been told that Artifice/Archaeology/Treasure Hunting is good, but Some people say that treasure hunting takes too long and only gives you crystals. Would Art/Arch/Slicing be better, while buying the crystals?

I want to upgrade my lightsaber with willpower so what would be a good idea for the crew skills?


Crew skills depend greatly on what you want to do. As a Sith Sorceror you're probably not going to be using your lightsaber for very much other than a stat boosting item, your powers will far outstrip its utility otherwise.


Artifice is good for that since it can produce hilts and enhancements that directly boost your willpower and your critical rating which may be useful later on. For Artifice, your gathering skill is Archaeology and it is one that I would definitely advise taking as it provides your basic crystals at all levels.


Treasure Hunting is good if you want the blue and purple quality gems for your higher quality crafting: buying from the GTN is a good idea, but you may find it inconvenient if supplies run low. If you intend to buy your gems, go with Slicing and be sure to us it in the field as much as you can; that's where the real money is made for Slicers early on.


For myself, I prefer to be largely self-contained with these things and went with Artifice/Archaeology/Treasure Hunting. As long as you understand that the market may not always support you, however, Slicing makes for a more varied avenue to take and -can- make decent money if you're diligent about it.

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It should be the same as their Jedi counterparts. Either Synthweaving/Archaeology/Underworld Trading to make your own gear. Or Artifice/Archaeology/Treasure Hunting to make enhancement components for customize-able gear. Either way is valid. I actually have a Jedi Sage with Artifice and a Jedi Sentinel with Synthweaving. Just by knowing whats available from those two lists, I can tell you you'll be very self-sufficient with either of those.


With Artifice you'll have to buy/acquire the slotted gear, but you'll be able to make most of the mods to put in them (except for augments). With Synthweaving, you'll be able to make the gear without needing the mods. You'll also have a chance of producing enhanced gear that comes with a slot for an augment in addition to the base stats/slots.

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