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Suggestions for multi-target tanking?


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So I just hit 50 and will be needing to respec for tanking. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for holding threat on multiple targets at once. I feel like Guardians don't have many tools in this department. I have Force Sweep and Cyclone slash (although the latter hits like a wet noodle).
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It'll be an uphill battle, no matter what you do.


But remember you have awe, if your team isn't using massive AoEs. This will help in just rooting the bastards for a second so you can set up a proper AoE. The range on our AoEs are so short, and they seem to lag behind us when we do them while running, that this can help in hectic situations.


Most of the time its easier just to use our AoE taunt, Challenging Call, to get aggro on multiple baddies. I feel this is nubbish, as taunts should be emergencies, and not used to grab aggro, but its the only really reliable tool in our kit atm.


BTW my continued frustration with Guardian tanking is making me go Guardian DPS.

Edited by KurtDunn
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