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Sentinel's low level armor set


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So i just got a set of armor i really like for my sentinel, the problem is they are all green items and really low level so i really cant wear em much longer before they start holding me back.


This is the list of them: http://www.torhead.com/items/catg/2/subcatg/2/quality/3/name/sentinel%27s


and here is a picture i took for reference:




Ive looked all over the GTN and ive found the chest that is orange (modable) but no luck in finding anything that is the same as the gloves and boots or white pants (the pants arnt the same as the ones i linked above)


Has anyone seen gloves or boots that match the ones i want?


Also are there any shorts in this game? all ive seen are skirts and pants.




I wish it didnt take me so much typing just to say "has anyone seen these gloves/boots modable" ><

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I believe that's the same model as the "Aspiring Knight's" set (maybe different color). You can often find orange versions of that one on the GTN since I believe it's a low-level crafting set. I think it may be a full set too.


Otherwise, in my experience, the Sentinel boots/gloves/pants are all pretty underwhelming design-wise. I suggest finding a chest piece you like and then matching the others as best you can.

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I believe that's the same model as the "Aspiring Knight's" set (maybe different color). You can often find orange versions of that one on the GTN since I believe it's a low-level crafting set. I think it may be a full set too.


Otherwise, in my experience, the Sentinel boots/gloves/pants are all pretty underwhelming design-wise. I suggest finding a chest piece you like and then matching the others as best you can.


I did look that up after i got the chest, and there is a chest and pants in orange, craftable by synthweavers, but torhead only lists a chest and pants no gloves or boots.

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