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How about some Hood up armour for Marauders, there's a COMPLETE lack of it upto lvl 50 pvp gear, there are marauder npc with hoods, our mirror class gets hood, we don't get a Single One.


Honestly, Not One, nada, so that's my suggestion.


There is a 36+ thread in the mara forum but no devs have responded, and numerous other threads about the matter, with twi-leks there's the clipping issue with with mara there are no issues there is just no medium armour with hoods.


Some of us are using sith inq armour just for the hoods Despite being light armour.


Im not overreacting but I rolled mara (among other tings) because the progression video showed a ****** black HOOD, I took it for granted a force using class would get some hood lovin instead of a COMPLETE lack of hoods.

Edited by LaurentiusX
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Funny, on my Jedi Knight I got annoyed because I never got to see my hair. So many hoods :eek:


LOL, yeah same for me on my old consular.


but for my marauder;

I did it All for the hoodie


The hoodie?




(Btw Joliee bindo Rules even though he lacked a hoodie)

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