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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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I agree with the sentiments, but not with the approach nor really the passion behind it.


Maintenance is a way of life for MMOs. There will always be someone who is interrupted.


I mean, some posts have been RAGE QUIT SUB CANCELLED.


Others have been BW WILL NOT TELL ME HOW TO GIVE FEEDBACK even though their posts was a wall of /rant and nothing constructive came out of it.


There have been quit a few, however; that have stated their concerns in a very constructive fashion. It just seems that most are raging and name calling. Case in point is the person I responded to in that post of mine that you quoted. He was raging and name calling, so I asked him to tell me his views. To my surprise he actually responded in a coherent and rational manner. That is rare.


So it should be done at a time when the LEAST amount of people per region are affected. This way they know they are inconveniencing the smallest number. Stop ignoring the obvious.


Maintenance is not currently fair. It is not currently done at a time when the least number of EU players are affected. Maintenance is done at a time when it is the most convenient for the US player base. These are all facts.


Why do you insist on putting aside the real issues in favour of pointing out all the negative ones? It's as if you are purposefully trying to derail these threads in some sort of attempt to devalue the opinions we have here.


I could ask why your only two friends on these boards are Stephen Reid and Georg Zoeller and throw up some conspiracy theory on why you are so vehemently defending BioWare, but it doesn't help our case.


Stick to the real issues. I have told you what the real issues are, yet you still waste time talking about the negative posts rather than focusing on what is really important here.

Edited by Mandrax
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lol @ people cancelling their accounts because they had ONE 4 four server maint during early MORNING hours on a saturday.


Your loss. You wont be missed. Good riddance.


Our loss. Players WILL be missed. Especially on servers with 100 characters lol.

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