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Bug: Force charging to your desktop.


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Not sure if this is a repost or not but sometimes I will force charge someone who was just knocked back and end up on my desktop.


Happend just recently as someone was force pushed off the voidstar bridge the same time I was force leaping onto them.

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Ive ended up:-


Logged out

In the middle of dead space on voidstar

under huttball

Stuck in the floor.

Stuck somewhere but can move freely but not attack anything.


I've had all those as well, but atleast you can force charge out of the wal or /stuck sometimes work (most times kills you ;x).


Yet to figure out a way to avoid dying in the cold vacuum of space though.

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I've ended up under the Hutt Ball stage as well. I couldn't actually do anything, /stuck didn't work, I couldn't try to Charge back because nobody was in range, and I wasn't getting the "AFK" debuff that would log me out after a minute of inactivity... Basically I had to either wait for the 6 minutes left in the game, or quit. I went with the latter option.
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