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Supplies and Demands


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Hope it's ok i post this question here, i am currently on Taris doing Supplies and Demands quest, the bonus for this quest is to use the holocamera on the engine, but i don't know how i do that, the engine was clickable when i entered the area so i figured i needed to click to use holocamera but that didn't seem to work, anyone knows how to do?
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I've tried both reset and abandon, i think i did it wrong by just right clicking the piece at the engine so it blew up, perhaps i should've taken a picture first?, i pulled the holocamera to my quickslot and clicked all the time while under the engine but nothing happens.
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Weird, don't know what i've done wrong then, in the mission log it still says i have a chance to take holopics despite i've already clicked and destroyed the thing that was at the engine. It's no big matter really about the xp or quest but still find it annoying.


edit: another player came and took the pic without problems, i guess that destroying the clickable part before taking the picture makes it impossible to to get the bonus part of the quest. Thanks anyway for the help, Cheers :)

Edited by PadawanRick
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