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End Game Crafting Possibility


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As has been discussed over and over, only Biochem offers a true end-game crafting option. Unlike other crafting skills, which are surpassed simply by doing enough end-game PvE or PvP and acquiring gear better than crafting material, Biochem will maintain it's dominance.




What I propose is an overhaul of the crafting system and make expert crafters still a instrumental part of the game even when players are 50 and raiding/pvping.


Here is what I call a simple solution to a complex problem. So simple, in fact, that it could very well solve the problem.


In a raid or when a boss is dropped, instead of the player getting an item, they get a BOP schematic. Just like any other crafted item, it will require mats to actually craft.


Now, create a new interface window called CRAFT. Make it a simple window that a master crafter can open. In that window are slots for the schematic and the necessary mats. The player with the schematic drags it to the schematic slot. Either the player or the crafter puts in the mats. The player has the option to accept or cancel. If he clicks Accept, the crafter has the option to craft or cancel. If he clicks Craft, the item is crafted and returned to the player. The crafter never has ownership of the schematic or mods (except the ones he put in) in the window. The window is simply a tool to allow a player to get a crafter to make the end-game crafted item.


Another thing, put in the ability to generate an augment slot during the craft process. Make it a proc (semi-rare).


In essence, make end-game drops craftable. Make the schematic specific to the needed master crafting skill (Armormech, Armstech, Cybertech, Artifice, etc.) Label the schematic (Requires 400 Cybertech), etc.

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