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Battle groups or equivalent system needed.


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After being 50 for a while now, I can clearly see a feature that needs to be implemented to this game. Simply queuing for WZ's and getting the same, over geared premade every single time is not only not fun, but not fair to fresh 50's. Granted, I do not expect to be given free loot, or even obtain loot easily, but this is just not okay. The gear difference between the Imps and repubs on my server is staggering, and while spending 4 hours doing WZ's I did not win a single one. (no, that is not an exaggeration). I will admit, I am most likely not the best player, but I do have previous MMO experience and am definitely not a scrub when it comes to PvP.


Onto the main point: Implementing Battlegroups similar to the system in WoW is a must. Playing with the same people is not fun as I stated above, and only leads to stale gameplay and repetition. It will also even the playing field for those servers that have a very uneven ratio between imps and repubs. While the imperial side will (as it seems currently) always be the most popular, allowing other servers to queue with eachother in PvP will greatly decrease the gear gap and make a more pleasent, less-stale pvp experience for both sides.

Edited by Zomgjustin
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bumping thread because it's true. IF i can even manage to get into a pvp match on my level 50 it's usually spent outnumbered and getting my face stomped in by one guild in particular on my server who is already decked out.


There's no competition for them and lvl 50 pvp queue's happen except for certain hours of the day and it's all stacked on the one guild who's been farming from the beginning. I don't think you meant for it to be so one sided. so do something to fix it soon please? it's a patchw orth patching.

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