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Romancing between Players' Characters


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Well considering the marriage between a jedi and someone is not forbidden, just restrictive, thereby having to talk to the council and proving you can handle a marriage and still do what is needed.


You can roleplay that you discussed it with the council and they understood and no one can actually say you didn't since it is roleplay.


As far as people saying it shouldn't happen between two people that are playing, you are not them so it is not for you to judge what they do with their characters.


If they wish to have a romance/marriage with another player that is their right. Yes some can become problems, that is why when you are playing with someone you get to know them before you even start a romance.


If someone wants to have a marriage with another player than I say leave them alone and don't tell them they can't and they don't need the ones that want to sit and judge them.

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Nothing can stop it from happening, but why encourage it? I know this "sounds" fun, but people act differently when they can hide behind an avatar. Personally, I don't really care if someone gets their jollies from creating a "fantasy" marriage, but I would bet a year's salary that it would be less than a month before complaints of "creeps" or "weirdos" or "harassment" would start. I mean, geez, don't we play RPGs to get away from these real life fiascos?


And the worst case scenario, which is why it probably would never happen, what does BW do if an adult "hooks up" with some underage kid and arranges a real life meeting? I'm just saying, there are way too many "sickos" out there for this to end good.


It'd happen anyways, and in no way would this encourage or increase the chances of such things happening.


If humanity, in its current time, restricted what could and could not happen in video games/books/television/movies/etc. because a minor population of the world is unable to handle the separation between fantasy and reality, we would live in the dullest world available.


Looney Tunes would never have existed because there might be kids who thought they could do what was done by the characters within the show.


No video games that are shooters would exist because, hey, some guy might go on a rampage and kill everyone.


Essentially, all forms of media and escape would be restricted to leading a boring, simple life. Did you see 'The Invention of Lying'? Yeah, think of the movies that had within it then get rid of the wars and plagues... Basically, all social media would consist of people living an average, everyday life of going to work and coming home. Spending time with the family. Doing chores and housework...


... no excitement. All of it dull as dishwater.


So, I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I know there will be others who have bad experiences as well. But to not implement an idea which would receive acclaim from the greater population because of a few bad eggs? Yeah, no.

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Well, I won't talk about the link between a love story in the game and a meeting/love story in the real life: I like to think that every player is clever enough to know where the game ends and the reality begins and every player is able to decide what to do with his/her partner in the game; well, two players who are engaged in the game want to meet and fall in love in real life, what's the matter? Of course there are dangers in meeting a stranger who may be cheating with you, but dangers are everywhere, not only in a game!


I would like to write about the effects that such a feature will have in the game: it will improve the story of the character! Jedi can be married or even in love, ok: let's imagine that two Jedi characters fall in love: will they hide their love? Will they join the dark side? And so on. And let'a imagine that two Sith are in love: can love "redeem" them? Will they destroy each other? An so on...


I think it would be great...

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