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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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It's probably a case of the PvP team sitting there going "Well, where do we start? They're complaining about everything!". I don't blame the community either, because almost everything about PvP is problematic.


Population imbalance, Ilum performance issues, Ilum design issues, PvP quest design, absence of real open-world PvP, random bag system, gear progression, bland warzones, same-faction warzones, ability delay, animation delay, random bag system, expertise, ugly PvP armors, carbon copy characters due to PvP gear being required, too much CC, bad CC immunity system, random bag system, hour+ warzone queues on low pop servers, advantages to certain factions in certain warzones, poor/no attempts at class balancing, advantages to certain mirror classes, warzone AFK'ers with no penalties, Baron Deathmark, cap-swapping/kill-swapping, buggy warzones, disconencts, no ranking system, mercenary commendations don't exist, and the random bag system.


I wouldn't know where to start responding either.


Nothing imbalanced about player versus player at all, only the baddies say it is a bad pvp system. Fact is, this pvp system is fine. It just needs a few changes.


1) Change the Random Number Generated Bags (the RNG-bags) to drop Commendations all the time. Put the gear in a store that use these commendations. For example Bag 1 gives 10 Commendations. 1 head item costs 300 commendations. Thats 10 bags. 2 bags per day. means 5 days of dailies = 1 Item. Increase the cost of the bigger pieces like chests. Make them say 600 commendations.


2) Add the Crowd Control Abilities to diminishing returns, increase the length of Resolve to fill up longer.


3) Cheat the wall glitches etc in Warzones so they can no longer be abused.


4) Add in a "You are joining a Warzone in progress, would you like to continue? yes / No box upon joining a warzone. When selected no, player goes back in a queue.


5) Allow Cross Server PvP. Shortens the wait time on PvP.


6) Add more types of Huttball Warzones and other type of warzones. Add in a standard Capture the Flag.


Thats all there is needed really. Ilum itself is fine but its "Imbalanced" only due to some servers have a low republic player amount. Which brings me to your "population IMbalance" issue. Bioware cannot fix this. It is up to you players to build a server community that is willing to invest to pull new players to the Republic side.


Easiest way to do that, is for bioware to create Server specific Forums.

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This will make many of the "old 50's" upset, but fortunately the game is not about them, but about what the majority of subscribers would like to see. Before you flame and troll, at least read the whole thing.


Resolve: Either remove it from game totally, or make it so you can start earning it from the get-go.


Having a lvl 50 only stat that can not be gained until 50 is ridiculous. As it stands right now, many of the players who hit 50 early on and had the advantage of no brackets got their valor/resolve gear easier then anyone who is hitting 50 in the new bracket system. Many people do not want rewards/stats handed to them, myself included, but on the other hand they do not want to compete with the aformentioned "old 50's" who have already acheived max valor/resolve/gear. Gear/Resolve does not equate to skill, no matter the argument. The playing field needs to be balanced at 50 so skill matters more.


My opinion: Removing it completely makes the most sense to me.


RNG: Remove entirely or fix. Removing the RNG is probably the smartest idea, and just allowing people to purchase the gear they need with earned comms seems to be a more sensical system, ala Warhammer. -Or- make it so you can not get duplicate items; eg: if you already recieved your chest piece, it should never duplicate again.


My opinion: Removing it makes the most sense to me.


Flame on!


I think you mean Expertise not Resolve. And it should be stat you level with so it maxes out at 50 at certain number and you can then earn gear that adds to it by small margin.

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I think you mean Expertise not Resolve. And it should be stat you level with so it maxes out at 50 at certain number and you can then earn gear that adds to it by small margin.


Ya thats what I meant, but honestly I need to investigate the game mechanic more, I jumped the gun.


Sorry for wasting time. :(

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