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Legacy Quests


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This cool idea came to my head out of the blue... Legacy Quests.


What this entails is interacting with your legacy alts as if they were npcs. You would meet them as they are in game, with their look and such. They have the same voice as in their own story, but instead of their own class story they help you progress in your own. Not only could this be for your own class story, but this could progress a legacy specific story where you meet different family members and complete objectives that could be in relation with your whole legacy "concept". What I mean by "concept" is what if your whole idea is that your family descended from a powerful Sith Sorcerer, or legendary Jedi Knight (you get the gist). Possibilities of this idea could be that you can have these legacy alts as temporary/permanent companions, acquire special legacy rewards and gear, plus much more cool stuff.


What do you guys think? Feel free to throw stuff into the pot.

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This idea is pretty neat and I believe that everyone here has similar thoughts about the legacy family interactions.


Anyway, your post actualy spawned this scenarion inside my head.



Sith Warrior : You are my sister and for that I will help you... for once.


Jedi Knight : Thank you brother, may you live in peace.


Sith Warrior : Hardly.



= quest quest quest quest quest quest quest quest quest quest quest quest =


Sith Warrior : Our family's blood flows strong through your veins.


Jedi Knight : You are not bad either.... for a sith.


Jedi Knight : Anyway, thank you for your assistance brother and excuse me now, I must go and prepare myself for my final quest to

kill the emperor



Sith Warrior : Wait what?!

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