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I am a lvl 50 Kinetic Shaow on Mandalore The Indomitable with 625 expertise and 55 valor lvls.. And from my point of view pvp is just fine except for faction Imbalance. Let us look at the chief complaints objectively.


Resolve. Read the guide stickied to the top of the forum. If you dislike resolve you don't understand it or how to use it.


XX class/spec is OP while XX class/spec is UP. If I use my shadow tank properly I can kill anything but a healer and vice versa. It seems to me people fight warzones for a week and think they are experts. I was useless my first week or two. It takes time to learn how to be good. It takes practice. And honestly it takes some skill and intelligence. The class balance in this game seems better than most. Since it just launched this is REMARKABLE. Quit whining and work at it for a while first before QQing us to death.


Not winning warzones. 9 times out of 10 the Patriots are going to beat the Dolphins. Someday that will change. But it will take drive intelligence and hard work on the part of the Dolphins. And if you EXPECT to win anything more than 50% of your games you are deluding yourself. It may happen, but to EXPECT it is delusional.


Bag RNG system. Averages are just that. Averages. I have all Champion except for 3 Centurion pieces. I have recieved well over 100 bags. When you are over 100 bags and have 4 champ pieces then you can whine. All 5 of you.


Sithies have mirrored ability advantages/turret advantages in Civil war. I have lost 1 (out of countless) civil wars by less than 50 points. While this should be fixed don't make a mountain ou of a molehill. Same'o same'o for the mirror disadvantages. Should absolutely be fixed but honestly is only very rarely the culprit in a loss.


Ilum sucks. Huttball (insert gripe here). The problems are NOT due to these things but due to the only real problem with the game. Faction Imbalance. I absolutely believe we need another same faction warzone and to change the Ilum daily/weekly, but the real problem is faction Imbalance and we should focus our ideas on how to fix that.


So can we start having spec discussion threads. Tactics discussions. What kind of pve pvp gear mix we use and why. What we would like to see in a new warzone. And please stop all of the endless QQ about the same crap. KTHXBAI.


P.S. Expertise/gear unfair. Every game has pvp gear that makes you much more powerful and takes time to get. The reasons for this are valid. You seriously can't expect to win right away. Something given for nothing is worthless. You must have pvp gear with pvp stats.

Edited by Beakertanks
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I appreciate your views. But even you have to admit many classes are considerably easier to play than many others, and are just as effective, or even more effective. That, to me, is poor balance.


Why does a Bounty Hunter have to constantly manage his finicky heat bar with non-linear regeneration when a Sorcerer gets a 600 bar of force with linear regen? Do I need to explain to you how skill and attention required to manage these two systems is utterly different?

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Haha have to agree! I cant wait for the time when (if) the PvP forum will be more than low level, low geared nubs whining about their last failure.


Now, forums is very rarely a place of good discussions. The rule that the one the least worth hearing is the one making the most sound still applies to the internet (big shocker there :o).


I generally stay out of the following forums simply because they seem to be filled with whiners: PvP, Customer Support and Public Test Server.


For some real discussion I've found the class/role forums much better.

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I appreciate your views. But even you have to admit many classes are considerably easier to play than many others, and are just as effective, or even more effective. That, to me, is poor balance.


Why does a Bounty Hunter have to constantly manage his finicky heat bar with non-linear regeneration when a Sorcerer gets a 600 bar of force with linear regen? Do I need to explain to you how skill and attention required to manage these two systems is utterly different?


Because they are different classes entirely...

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Change your title to:


"Why sorcs are underpowered". I guarantee you'll get a lot of hits.


Ah its funny cos its true :D




I kinda agree with you mate, Jugg pvp seems fine and dandy to me. Some players kick my arse everytime other player i beat every time. NOT class, player. I like that.



Also, Op..... *** are you on about?



Not winning warzones. 9 times out of 10 the Patriots are going to beat the Dolphins. Someday that will change. But it will take drive intelligence and hard work on the part of the Dolphins. And if you EXPECT to win anything more than 50% of your games you are deluding yourself. It may happen, but to EXPECT it is delusional.


There are Dolphins in this game now?! Or is this some weird local reference the rest of the world wont get? :p

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Level50 valor58 here and I had less than 4 different champ items after 100 bags.


In fact I have 6 EXTRA relics alone. Since then my bags have been a nearly constant stream of duplicates. I still have yet to get pants but I have over 20 duplicate items in my cargo hold all completely useless. And it's only going to get worse when I hit 60 and all those commedations are just useless towards battlemaster gear.


Illum is a tran wreck where collusion and serving are the most encouraged forms of gameplay.


Some classes are HORRIBLY affected by the stuttering and skill lag. Far more than others. And the medal system encourages giving up and not playing for the objectives. Especially fir non-hybrid classes. And the skill animations firing differently across mirrors is a real and measurable issue.


I don't know why you can't see it but there are real and significant design flaws with all aspects of PvP in this game. And until they're fixed I believe the type of feedback you are suggesting is wrong is exactly appropriate.



Editing to add : Resolve is broken. 99/100 my resolve bar is active only when I'm in the Rez circle. Why? Because you can be chain CCd while having a full resolve bar. Because dps is high enough and CC long enough to ensure the kill in those few seconds. And because the one CC breaker most have is on a long cooldown. The problem is the lag between getting full resolve and the immunity kicking in. You can be re-CCd before the resolve bar starts counting down.

Edited by thanealpha
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I appreciate your views. But even you have to admit many classes are considerably easier to play than many others, and are just as effective, or even more effective. That, to me, is poor balance.


Why does a Bounty Hunter have to constantly manage his finicky heat bar with non-linear regeneration when a Sorcerer gets a 600 bar of force with linear regen? Do I need to explain to you how skill and attention required to manage these two systems is utterly different?


You are correct that some are definitely easier to play. (Trcer missle/Grav Round ;). However, some people like simple.chars and some like complicated. So while painful if you have ended up with a complicated lvl 50 and would prefer a simple one. It really has to stay this way.

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Ah its funny cos its true :D




I kinda agree with you mate, Jugg pvp seems fine and dandy to me. Some players kick my arse everytime other player i beat every time. NOT class, player. I like that.



Also, Op..... *** are you on about?





There are Dolphins in this game now?! Or is this some weird local reference the rest of the world wont get? :p


Jingoistic American here. If you don't get tough. J/K ;)

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You are correct that some are definitely easier to play. (Trcer missle/Grav Round ;). However, some people like simple.chars and some like complicated. So while painful if you have ended up with a complicated lvl 50 and would prefer a simple one. It really has to stay this way.


That's fine, as long as easy classes are segregated from hard classes in their own separate WZs. But when you throw them all together into one WZ, it's unfair at the core.


Picture this in an FPS scenario. One player gets an M249, with infra-red sights and a bipod. Another player gets a single shot musket. Guess who's going to win most of the time? Yeah, the musketeer, if he's really good and lucky, will make an account of himself, but if the machinegunner is not a complete dunce it'll be over before it begins.


Same with these classes. A Tracer-spamming Merc has a LOT less to worry about than Marauder in melee. He can look around, weigh his options, form and execute strategies, etc. He doesn't need to constantly pay attention to over a dozen abilities, procs and cooldowns like Marauder, JUST to do his job. This is monumentally unfair.


I don't mind hard to play classes. I really don't. But ALL classes must be hard to DO WELL with! Problem with SWTOR is, some classes allow bad/mediocre players of certain classes to get results as good or better than good/excellent players can get with a lot more work from more complex classes. That ain't balanced.

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there's only 4 classes !!!! haha of course theres going to be WZ's where you see a ton of one particular class. there's only 4 of them lolz.


if there were 74 classes, but one was represented more than the rest in a warzone it might be something... but with only 4 classes of course you're going to see a ton of a random class. i just now finished huttball and there was a group of 4 ops / snipers running together focus firing each player on my team and chewing everyone up.


it sucked but i dont think the operative is OP just because there was a gang of them facerolling. it is what it is and it happens.


game's been out a month :D chill out and enjoy. just because you get pasted a few times in a warzone don't come on the forums and yell NERF, NERF, NERF !!!!!

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I don't mind hard to play classes. I really don't. But ALL classes must be hard to DO WELL with! Problem with SWTOR is, some classes allow bad/mediocre players of certain classes to get results as good or better than good/excellent players can get with a lot more work from more complex classes. That ain't balanced.


^ This


And I agree that the faction imbalance is a bigger deal than the class imbalances, which I think are mostly a result of some classes being too easy moreso than too much damage being done.

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I should have titled this something sexier.


yes you should have :)


but i completely agree with you post, although it's pointless... the Forum kiddies and badies will always whine no matter what.


SWToR class balance is great for a game that released one month ago.

There are problems with pvp, but people expect wonders.


I personally like BWs balancing approach, subtle and well thought out.

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Ah its funny cos its true :D




I kinda agree with you mate, Jugg pvp seems fine and dandy to me. Some players kick my arse everytime other player i beat every time. NOT class, player. I like that.



Also, Op..... *** are you on about?





There are Dolphins in this game now?! Or is this some weird local reference the rest of the world wont get? :p


Jingoistic American here. If you don't get tough. J/K ;)

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yes you should have :)


but i completely agree with you post, although it's pointless... the Forum kiddies and badies will always whine no matter what.


SWToR class balance is great for a game that released one month ago.

There are problems with pvp, but people expect wonders.


I personally like BWs balancing approach, subtle and well thought out.


I also LOVE the subtlety of it as well.

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That's fine, as long as easy classes are segregated from hard classes in their own separate WZs. But when you throw them all together into one WZ, it's unfair at the core.


Picture this in an FPS scenario. One player gets an M249, with infra-red sights and a bipod. Another player gets a single shot musket. Guess who's going to win most of the time? Yeah, the musketeer, if he's really good and lucky, will make an account of himself, but if the machinegunner is not a complete dunce it'll be over before it begins.


Same with these classes. A Tracer-spamming Merc has a LOT less to worry about than Marauder in melee. He can look around, weigh his options, form and execute strategies, etc. He doesn't need to constantly pay attention to over a dozen abilities, procs and cooldowns like Marauder, JUST to do his job. This is monumentally unfair.


I don't mind hard to play classes. I really don't. But ALL classes must be hard to DO WELL with! Problem with SWTOR is, some classes allow bad/mediocre players of certain classes to get results as good or better than good/excellent players can get with a lot more work from more complex classes. That ain't balanced.




You can't compare an mmo to an fps lol. A better comparison would be comparing force users in swtor to mana users in wow. SO what you are saying basically is, even in wow, all classes that use mana are unfairly easy and should be brought inline regarding their resource with the classes that do not use mana. OR...classes that don't use mana should be made easier to play since it is TOO easy to play a class that uses mana!

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10 times out of 10 the Patriots are going to beat the Dolphins.


Just figured I'd fix that for you...ha ha...If i see another behind the head catch next week I'm gunna straight Elvis my TV.


Joking aside, saying some classes are easier than others is kind of incorrect different people will find different classes easier than others. Some might do well with one class and absolutely suck with the other. An example would be something like I play a marauder if I were to get an equal level op to play with I would have no idea what I was doing and would most likely suck out loud because of it. After a few weeks of playing it I will have the second class mastered to the same level of play I can put out from the mara but that's the point of practice.

Edited by ManOSteal
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i only have 1 problem with assasin vs shadow, thats when i die, then my rock kills him. Woulda been him dead if the rock moved faster.


On the other hand, dble deathblows really does show how balanced the mirror really is.


As for class fairness, idk, there have always been the more advanced characters in other games for the more advanced players. They just dont really tell us that and we need to figure out the proper tactics to over come button mashers.


As a shadow, i have to bust my *** all over up and down, just to do my part. Theres alot of micromanaging with a shadow, not to mention, your the unsung hero of pretty much every wz

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