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Sorc or Assassin better for Death Field?


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Hey guys, my main is a juggernaut and I think I want to make an inquisitor...


I've always like the life drain/death field skills in the tor games and was wondering which of the advanced classes gets more use out of those kind of skills?


I know I cant expect to really quickly heal myself with the life drain abilities but madness hybrid builds focusing on death field are the ones im interested in and was hoping i could get some info on which class is better for such a build.


Also, on an unrelated note, anyone happen to find a gallery of different races/skin tones with different levels of sith corruption?

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I'm afraid you will be disappointed with both of them. First, Death Field is not the main ability for Madness for either of them, it does good damage but is on a 15sec CD. Secondly, the healing on it is barely noticable to the degree that you would probably not notice it if they just removed it.


At lvl 50 it heals for ~1% of your total life, that every 15s is basically nothing. If you want self-healing you should either go for Sorcerer and use the castable heals, even the small castable heal heals for almost 10% of your life, or you should go Darkness Assasin and spec into Harnessed Darkness, which gives you a 9% heal on Force Lightning after every 3 casts of Shock. As Darkness spec getting 3 shocks takes about 15s, so its up as often as Death Field but heals for 9 times the value.

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As a former madness assassin, in pvp I would usually end up at about 12k healing done using my self heals throughout an entire match. Now as full darkness with the harnessed darknesss force lightning I''m at about 23k. So yea, big difference.


And its great using force lightning on someone critting for 1.7k a tick and healing at the same time.

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damn thats disappointing :(


For the sorc I was looking at the first 2 rows of the healing tree hoping that increasing healing and force damage percentages would boost deathfield something like this... http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sorcerer/12/


or does "life steal" not count as healing? empty body might be cool with that too if it would actually work, damn that sucks... looks like harnessed darkness is the only good lifesteal then huh

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