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Is there a balanced server anywhere?


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I'm looking for a new server. Is there any server that is even remotely close to being balanced? I don't care what faction I play, I just want to be on a balanced PVP server.


Wound in the Force is about 3 to 1 Imperial to Republic and just not fun.

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i play on shadowtown, we are quite balanced, even totally controlling illum about twice a day for about an hour or two. if you would like any help leveling pst me lamelia 50 sage. o and we get the occasional rep vs rep huttball id say 1/7 games is rep vs rep
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About how many people does Firkrann Crystall have running around in Ilum on a nightly basis?


Anyone know anything about Shadowtown? I have a couple co-workers on that server, would love to play on that one.


ilum is kind of barren. maybe 20 on each side at best. the server recently started kill trading so you will see even less around central.

Edited by zeroburrito
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ilum is kind of barren. maybe 20 on each size at best. the server recently started kill trading so you will see even less around central.


Ajunta Pall is very close and has a high pop.


Please respect that it is a RP server when making your name.

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Warrior of the shadow is only a 3:1 in empire favor, not too bad.


That's what Wound in the Force is and that's pretty bad. What's happening on Ilum isn't pvp, it's ride around hope you get a default shot off on a guy to get some valor.

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