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I wish I made a Guardian.


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As a level 34 sentinel I really am not impressed at all with this class. I have tried different specs and I always keep up with my gear, but I always find that it's a struggle to complete quests that are my level.


In order to keep a steady pace and not die every 5 minutes I have to stay 2-3 levels above the quests I am doing. I think the class quests were designed mostly with Guardian in mind and Sentinels got screwed. I leveled up an Operative and NEVER had any problem completing quests, I could even do some class quests that were 3 levels above me.


After reading on the forums and discovering that some of the skill trees are bugged, I might just put this character on hold until the class gets fixed.

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I leveled to 50 as a Focus Specc'ed SEntinel.



Between lvl 35 - 45, I found that to be the most difficult. I'd have trouble with some bosses, and Doc was the only companion I could use to even survive. Some times, I found myself skipping a mission, gaining a level, then returning to complete the mission.



However, at 45 to 50, Focus really began to shine. I was DPSing through multiple targets much easier.



The Sentinel does not have a set rotation. It is more of a chess game. you have multiple abilities, and you have to use the abilites based on the situation. When your working on one NPC, you have to plan how your going to take out the next guy in advance, based on whats on cooldown, how mcuh current focus you have, etc..


In the 47 - 50 range, Guarded by the Force, and your other damage mitigation talents will be used a lot more. Pretty much whenever they become available.




TL;DR. Sentinel was tough between 35 - 45. 45 - 50, it was a total blast.

Edited by MattieP
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All these people complaining about how hard leveling as a Sentinel is when Ive leveled perfectly fine up to 48 so far focus specced, using ONLY Kira Karsen, and hardly ever higher level then the quests. L2P to be honest.
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I have to stay 2-3 levels above the quests I am doing.


I always read things like this and think HOW!?! I don't understand how people are constantly not overleveled. If you do the available quests including bonus series you should be about five levels above the content.


Do a couple daily space missions. Do the bonus series. You don't even have to multi-run flashpoints or heroics. Just do the stuff available and you shouldn't have any problems.

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Leveled watchmen and had no problems, so I think we have covered all 3 specs in this post... I keep reading that the knights are the "hardest to play" but I like the resource system we have. I tried a trooper and couldn't deal with the less regen the more I spent ammo, same thing with the smuggler on top of that the cover system. consular was ok, a constant regen and you get to do your high damage skills first is nice, and will admit That class is easier then knight. but really the knight is not hard to play or level. I did perfer doc over kira, even played with Rusk once I got him and it was good times.
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