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How do marauders get medals in WZ's??


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Go annihilation and pick up:


1. 2.5k hit

2. 5k hit

3. 75k damage

4. 300k damage

5. 75k heals

6. 1k defender

7. 3k defender

8. killing blow

9. solo kill

10. 10 kills

11. 25 kills


Or at least try to, eh?


After the medpack nerf you wont be getting 75k healing from dot ticks without someone else keeping you alive and in the fight.


And a 5k single hit will ONLY be if you can find a fresh 50 who didnt save up for bags before 50, can stack damage, and crit when you hit him


You should be able to get this if you arent getting steamrolled:


1. 2.5k hit

2. 75k damage

3. 1k defender

4. killing blow

5. solo kill

6. 10 kills


Anything more than that you are having a good to amazing game.

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After the medpack nerf you wont be getting 75k healing from dot ticks without someone else keeping you alive and in the fight.


And a 5k single hit will ONLY be if you can find a fresh 50 who didnt save up for bags before 50, can stack damage, and crit when you hit him


You should be able to get this if you arent getting steamrolled:


1. 2.5k hit

2. 75k damage

3. 1k defender

4. killing blow

5. solo kill

6. 10 kills


Anything more than that you are having a good to amazing game.


I average 8-9 medals , and the 75k heals is easy to get with berserk and lots of crits.

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Still works brah.


They only disabled medals from medpacks I believe, but don't quote me on that. I've been using this since the patch, and I know after watch their stream that some other Ann specc'd warrior also uses it.


Can't remember the name though, I think it was synster, but not sure.

Edited by zYNNN
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For anni mara:


1. 2.5k hit

2. 75k damage

3. 300k damage

4. 75k heals (50/50 round dependent)

5. 1k defender

6. killing blow

7. solo kill

8. 10 kills

9. 25 kills

10. 2.5k single heal (must have Payback in Rage tree)


Just hit BM two days ago. This is pretty standard every reasonably full-length game that I play. 75k heals is iffy sometimes, depending on if targets are melting fast or not (if they are, I may not get it because targets can die before DOTs are finished ticking. If I sense low expertise players I'll lean in favor of using annihilate more because its burst can wreck low expertise players).


Rarely I'll get a 5k hit. It requires annihilate on a target that has has almost no expertise + rakata stim+ rakata adrenal + crit/surge relic + some luck.


If off-hand damage was added to main hand damage, rather than being a separate damage altogether, it would be easily obtainable every round.


2.5k single heal if from having Payback in the rage skill tree + rakata med pack use before using Unleash.

Edited by deathTouchIG
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We have a harder time getting medals than others. Its not fair.


You should get medals for scoring with the ball in huttball, capturing a point in alderaan, or planting/defusing the bomb in voidstar.


Then we'd be fine.

Edited by miliways
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