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Sentinel companion


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What companion are you guys using for low levels? I've just gotten kira and i wished to romance her. But the problem is that i found leveling with T7 is pretty easier. Any idea on how can i work on romancing kira and used T7 to level at the same time?
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So is leveling with kira pretty good? As in downtime and survivability compared to other companions.


Other companions fit your needed role better than Kira. You're DPS and so is she. So you get more "group utility" out of T7 (tank) or Doc (healer). Stuff will die faster with Kira as she does pretty good damage if you keep her geared up, but you may have a tougher time with some encounters.


That said, I've used and continue to use her since I got her, even though I now have Doc who is the bomb-diggity of healers. I want her for the story and I haven't run into any major issues with leveling with her, mainly because I'm over-leveled for the content, which really, really helps.


But when I run into some tough spots I just swap in Doc and everything's great.

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I don't know how folks tolerated leveling with Kira. It was doable, but so much downtime.


T7 + Dismiss/Resummon for full health was where it's at. Once you get good at it, 2 seconds downtime tops even after golds.


Of course, when you get Doc, that's all she wrote for any other companion IMHO. I think most people who didn't find Doc useful were getting creamed by the Carbonite bug.

Edited by McVade
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Im LvL 42 and I prefer Kira for most missions and only break out Doc for one on one fights with Elites and bosses.... When fighting 3 or more at one time, I prefer Kira.... also, Im a Jedi, and I want to go on missions with my Jedi companion, to me, it feels better story wise as well. I also think Doc is checking me out too much... lol. Edited by Themanthatisi
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