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This game compared to TF2.


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This game...


  • Classes:
    There are 4 classes per side.
  • Weapons:
    Varies. Some classes can use offhand weapons, most only have 1 or 2.
  • Maps:
    Only 3 warzone maps and they are randomly selected.
  • Character Customization:
    Limited, but it is there.
  • Physics:
    None worth mentioning.


Team Fortress 2...

  • Classes:
    9 classes.
  • Weapons:
    Each class has a lot of different weapons to choose from.
  • Maps:
    Countless amounts of maps, even player created ones.
  • Character Customization:
    None except for the amazing variety of hats.
  • Physics:
    Pretty good physics. No world destruction but plenty of ragdoll physics.


As you can see TF2 is pretty much a superior game. It is free as well!


Why are we playing SWTOR again?

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