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Explanation of scoundrel


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Hello everyone!


So Iam intrested in the scoundrel-class, and was thinking if someone could give me an quick explanation of the two DPS ways of the scoundrel.


What does scrapper and dirty fighting focus on?


Who is most suited for PvP/PvE

Who uses more melee/stealth/ranged


etc etc, hope you get the point :)



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The Scoundrel is a stealthy, positionally-dependent melee class regardless of which tree you select.


The Scrapper tree revolves around a few, hard-hitting burst abilities while improving your stealth technique. Solo, expect to use sudden, overwhelming damage to remove a target from the field alongside a wide range of crowd control to maintain your positional advantage. In groups, be prepared to provide long-term, pre-fight crowd control, excellent add management, and plenty of damage to the primary target. The downsides being extended periods of time off-target (melee classes are particularly vulnerable to knockbacks, highly-mobile targets, and anything else that requires you to re-close the distance).


The Dirty Fighting tree focuses almost wholly on damage-over-time. I've not tried this tree, but I would imagine that DoT mechanics would yield steadier damage (even you're knocked away from the target, your bleeds keep ticking) but a slower build-up (Vital Shot, Wounding Shot, and Hemorrhaging Blast all require time to work; the "T" in "DoT"). My understanding is that you're still stealthy, still melee, and still positionally-dependent -- you just back-load your damage (Cold Blooded) vs. front-loading it.

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