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Thoughts from an endgame Maurader


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While I will agree we are one of the best healer killers in the game, and that with a good setup we can do great damage. Ranged still has the edge due to kiting and time on target in a lot of scenarios.


Our damage is great when we can actually hit the person/mob but that is not always the case. I do not think the mara is broken, just could use a few added abilitys like a second gap closer or a reliable cc to help with some of our utlility.


also if your claiming your doing easily more damage than range dpser's than your guilds snipers and mercs must suck..... since if they are actually talented then they will come close if not beat you in dps.


i have seen mercs do 800k damage in wz post 1.1 with premades... so doing 480k with pocket healer is not that impressive to me.


I average 300k in most wz solo(anni spec), we can do tons of damage but right now our ability to stay on our target makes keeping up with pure range dps incredibly difficult and in some cases impossible.


not broken, just need a tiny buff to make us on par with other dps classes.

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So the moral of this is take biochem or you're ****ed? You have 98K in healing and reusable stims/medpacks on your hotbars, which would effectively double your life expectancy.


Rakata medpac no longer has the advantage it used to. Buy the blue version on the GTN and you'll be ahead of the people using the Rakata medpac in survivability.

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I'll just answer your dumb response below.


First to the person who is talking about being able to beat healers, you obv. haven't faced well geared healers. You are in melee range of a healers, so charge is out. So that leaves 3 "interrupts" as you mentioned, 2 are a 1 min cd and not always available and one of which is a freaking channel, so afterwards, he can still cast a heal. Disruption does have a low cd, but it doesn't matter since while it's on cd, they can cast a different type of heal, knockyou back, sprint away and it's back to kiting a maurader. Maybe you didn't notice, but I said (Annihilation) for a reason. We have an extra low cd interrupt because there is no minimum range on charge. Healers are a joke, so easy to kill, except for operative healers, those guys are very mobile and give me the hardest time. Sorc/Sage healers are very easy to kill.


To the person above, what does that even mean every single person in the raid says you do the most dps...there's no damage meters...that doesn't even make sense...all melee have to go in and out of most of the fights while ranged don't, there's no way any melee class currently in raids top dps. I'm not even gonna bother...You don't need a damage meter to realize who is doing the most dps. I constantly pull aggro on bosses and trash and my raid even throws up guard on me so I can stay in when most people would have to run out. When the dps meters do finally come out, you will see just how much damage we do.

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if you cannot beat a healer you are doing it wrong. Marauders have tones of interrupts, if you cannot keep a healer from casting long enough to kill it then you are bad plain and simple.




The class is not noob friendly, hell its not "ok skill" player friendly its a class for good gamers who like a challege. The class is fine and HM EV and Kraggas do not hurt melee any more then they hurt ranged, its just a bad excuse for people sucking. If you think the class is weak, or broken or underpowered then its you not the class, there are people making it work, and if ANYONE makes it work with great results then its not the class its the mouth breather at the keyboard.


+1. Well said sir, this class is definitely a noob check. You really have to be an excellent gamer to play this class at its fullest potential.

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first of all I AM NOT a good pvp player

hell i don't consider myself a good pve player either

But 'm not THAT bad in either aspect

And yes I have some experience with MMOs and yes,marauder is more difficult than the ranged dps classes


and no I haven't reached 50 yet,I'm 46

but I'll be damned if I've encountered a single healer that can outheal my damage

if my good damage skills are on cd then it's interrupt,interrupt,interrupt and if I'm lucky some choke.If I don't have disruption I use ravage while he channels his heals


I started doing much better when I stoped opening the fight with force charge

I started doing much much better when I started picking my targets wisely

I started doing much better when I understood how good force camouflage is



I don't care what happens after I hit 50 and obtain battlemaster/champion gear

I'll worry about that later



Oh and I don't care that much about maximum damage

I like one-target classes more and I don't worry about aoe damage that much because I'm carnage.It's the way I like to play

Even if I suck,or the class sucks I enjoy the gameplay and guess what every single time I kill someone imagine how much it must suck for him to be killed by a sucky class

Edited by tadro
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No, he has healers in his pre-made. A scoundrel healer and a commando healer. Watch the video and then tell me 1 healer was healing him the whole time...


Point of the video was to show that Sent topped the board in DPS because he has good gear and competent teammates. Plane and simple. A half a million damage in a WZ is "average at best"...? You just lost me there. Do you always do 500k damage or something? No? Let me guess, you don't have a friend to run WZ's with that can actually heal? So, in your fantasy world, if you only had a "pocket healer", you could do 500k every Voidstar!


So you've just agreed with me in your first paragraph then argued in the 2nd?


I stated I switched it off when it was obvious he had a pocket healer - he has 2, so getting 500k is average if you have 2 guys dedicated to keeping you alive - hell its just as easy with 1 healer.


I said given similar scenarios I easily break 500k on Voidstar, as would anyone with pocket healers.

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The problem I find with Mara is not the lack of cc but the lack of cc resistance / breaker. As it stands I feel that the Mara can get snared and controlled out of the game far too easily. I think a skill like hold the line that the Bh powertechs have would make a huge difference in allowing us to reduce snares and get some whoop *** time on the target.
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I have pvp a lot and done my share of pve aswell, i kinda feel the same way you do on certain things thats for sure. I have to work twice as hard as many other classes to achieve what other classes get by just playing "casual".


Dont rly have anything to complain about in pve, we have enough abilities to do good dps and help out our grp. But pvp can sometimes be a *****..

We have little cc compared to other classes, no doubt about it. But adding more cc into this game is something we should try too stear away from. Its already too many these days.

Maybe giving the marauder some passive cc ressist. Because we are beeing pushed around more then a hutball when we try to fight a well played opposing team.

So either a passive ressist on some sort of cc's, or reduce the 2 min cd on our 1 anti cc.


All in all i am happy with the class, i dont feel underpowered. I have played alot of pvp in previous games and i now know how to make a class shine in pvp after some weeks with practise. But the marauder is definetly one of the hardest classes to master atm. So to a casual player this class can be a bit hard to play, its not hard to notice that compared to other classes performance.


So conclusion: We dont need to controll other classes any more then we do today.

But i would like to see this class a bit more controllable ( on the behalf of the player himself). With all the cc other classes have it is nearily impossible to achieve anything if you arent so lucky having all your cd ready for action. cc ressist on some sort of cc's would rly help this class gaining a bit more controll. Not saying we should be immune to every cc in the game but i think marauders are tierd of being rooted,knockback'd, stunned,snared and chained cc'd over and over without having anything to push back except raw dps and a 2 min cd anti cc.



I agree with this all night and day. It's a fine line though and i don't think it should be exactly passive because then it couldn't be reliable/would be RNG. Maybe, and this might be too strong, if you have a fury buff up you should be immune to knockbacks (not roots, not snares, not stuns), or maybe CC's should be 1/2 as effective on you while it is up.

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Marauder is fine.




- Fully Geared Battlemaster


You did 400k damage. /clap


You realize people can do 400k+ in crappy half tionese/columi PvE gear with 0 expertise right?




I know people worship Battlemasters at this point but it's a title that requires zero skill, just time invested. Plenty of people just camped Ilum or spammed WZs farming valor for BM despite being absolutely terrible players.



Marauders are fairly weak in any PvP setting right now. In WoW warriors could get a lot of uptime with similar mobility tools because CC was not nearly as prevalent. Classes didn't have 20 second cooldown knock backs and multiple roots and on-demand 1-minute cooldown stuns that lasted 4+ seconds all in one spec. In SWTOR they do. The number of gap-openers in this game is crazy. Everyone is essentially a Frost Mage with lower cooldowns on their CC. The fact that we lack this extremely prevalent CC makes us a liability.


Force Chole: 3 second channel. 1m CD. Short Range.


Electrocute: 4 second stun. 1m CD. Long Range.


Our only real CC is outclassed in every single way by a Sorc ability. Mercenaries also have a similar stun. Don't even get me started on the CC capability of an Operative(although I do feel they're being overnerfed).


We need something like Force Pull or Non-Channeled Force Choke or honestly any kind of reliable CC or gap closer. Force Charge is great but charge isn't what it was in other games. It's an easily countered ability that nets you just a few seconds to DPS the target.

Edited by Tumri
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