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Add Team Death Match to WZ


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Hi everyone, just thought this would be a good add on for the game my self so here's why i think this would be a great addition to this wonderful game.


1. Team Death match is a great game mode, i don't know anyone who doesn't enjoy this game mode.


2. It would give players the a new game mode to play other then huttball all the time (allow same faction players to play this game mode in WZ)


3. ITS FUN, and thats what gamings all about right? You can try to argue that gaming is also very competitive but lets face it competing to win is fun


So this is how i think the game mode should be set up, First team to get lets say 300 kills on the enemy team wins. Bioware would'nt even have to make a new map, they could use the Huttball arena.So their it is hope you all agree with me, and i hope a Dev in Bioware looks at this thread and says "Hey thats a good idea sounds fun" or something along those lines.Lastly to all you Trolls out there don't flame because this is above your intelligence level you must be at least a high school graduate to understand this.


Thanks for your time, anyone who agrees with me please post and if their is any flaws with the way i think it should be set up please post that to.

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I'd play it. Stick to basic strategies and make the most of your class in order to kill people without having to worry about objectives? I don't think anyone could really argue against this. It's basically open world PvP shoved into an instance, and since SWTOR's open world PvP is non-existent, this is probably the next best thing.


I would like to see it on a bigger map than huttball at some point though, perhaps put some priority points in various places around the map; not actual objectives to winning, but perhaps if you control multiple areas at once you get a bonus to damage or something), basically add some incentives to split up into smaller tactical groups so it's not always full team VS full team.

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