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Marauder PvP


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So, I'm trying to decide on which spec to go into for Marauder PvP. I was looking over the talent trees and they seem to be divided between keeping the enemy in range of your melee attacks (Carnage, Rage), and making sure they're still taking damage when they dance out of range (Annihilation).


On one hand, my preferred method of attack is to charge in and just go insane, overpowering anything that stays within my reach long enough to die, so having Annihilation's bleed buffs was my first instinct. On the other hand, bleeds run out and things go wrong, and Rage's Force Crush looks like it leaves very little room for error. Carnage looks like a balance between the two. Balance to me just says, "Master of none.", but just from doing random inspections on the Fleet I noticed a fair amount of people with it, so it must be good for something.


Can anyone tell me their experiences with these specs? Right now I'm rolling Carnage for leveling, since the beginning talents looked more useful, but once Bakk hits Level 20 I'm plan on making my decision then.

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I have been playing Annihilation for both leveling and PVP. Its been great so far. Higher up the tree you get some good buffs that can be used with your fury and you build fury very quickly, lvl 31 ATM. I just broke the 200k damage barrier in a WZ last night and I was pleasantly surprised. Annihilation may not have much defense but if you Q with a healer buddy your unstoppable unless your 4v1 focused.


I find the most important thing to do is always try to use your bleed ability, so your running bleeds almost constantly, I use either the guaranteed crit fury buff or the run speed/def buff depending on the need. I have been coming close to the 75k healing medal just from the bleed crits as well.


Many people say that rage is the way to go for PVP but I really enjoy Anni, but I will give rage a shot after leveling is complete to have a better decision. For PVE/Questing I just run with Quinn and feel completely unstoppable, I chainpull and use pots when Quinn cant keep up, along with the 2 tanking cooldowns I can take out 2 groups each with an elite fairly easily. Once you get Pommel Strike Quinn is really useful because he uses that Cabonite CC and you almost always have someone to pommel strike with out needing to slow or stun them.


Hope you see similar results, I'm running all orange gear and cybertech funded by my "main" so my gear is usually always as up to date as it can be. I also have orange gear on Quinn that stays relatively up to date, so that makes a big difference in PVE pulls

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What about Carnage?


carnage is not what you think it is


so you can hold someone still while you use ravage...


and? I'm anni and I use ravage and it autofollows them anyways....


you can immobilize enemies with deadly throw!


again, nothing special, 3 seconds to root someone, the 20% heal debuff is an excellent addition and the only reason I use this ability in pvp though BTW pommel strike and savage kick do not work in pvp so dreams of immobilizing a player and doing anything other than spamming 1 ability for moderate damage are just dreams



but the force scream crits!


sure you get guaranteed force scream hits but whats sad is they will be less damage output than the crits in rage and only slightly higher than those of anni, and the animation takes longer than your GCD so it's a waste to try and use unless someone is running away





3.5 seconds of 100% armor pen sounds nice but when you consider it takes longer than that to get up from a juggs/guardians force push or run to a Kiting BH and add in the fact that most of the damage absorption done by tanks is done with shields rather than armor it's yet another flashy carnage ability with no real punch.




in conclusion go with anni


bleed people like pigs, watch that OP flashbang you and rage because he can't stealth with bleeds, and then dies hilariously while you smack him with your beserk bleed crits






I forgot to mention the best part about anni

sweeping slash + deadly saber = Death Knight Outbreak

massive AoE bleeds

Edited by Romanticyde
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I forgot to mention the best part about anni

sweeping slash + deadly saber = Death Knight Outbreak

massive AoE bleeds


Carnage is fine.


Also I was under the impression that it only applied the dot to one person with the saber sweep, if that. It didnt seem to apply it to all targets when I tested it.

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only works on the one u are targeting, no such thing as aoe bleed

i played with carnage too, i loved it acutaly, but because i want to live longer and see where my run away stealth enemies are going( when they bleed in hide so i can knock em out of it by using smash) it feels good man + annihilate hits hard :), i'd try rage one more time

Edited by ReFlexionn
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Carnage is underrated. Most people will tell you it blows, but they're basically fanboys who took a video of someone owning lowbies with Annihilation a few weeks ago just a bit too seriously. Carnage does much more than simply keep an enemy in place while you're using Ravage. It's probably the most "active" spec we have. You will need to be on top of your cooldowns and you will constantly be using different abilities, so if you're pretty good with micromanagement and can dance your fingers around your keybinds with masterful grace, try out Carnage. If you just want to lolsmash, go for Rage.
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If you want to PVP go for Anni. Great DPS/utility/self healing. Keep those dots up with the Claok and you will never love 1v1. Learn to use your other CDs for the different situations and trust me that you will own. I currently get always 300k DMG during a BG with 40/50 ish Kills. It's a great fun spec with L O A D S of burst if you use it properly and loads of utility.


P.S. example of great burst :

Max/High CD Burst - Once you get 30 Fury activate Bloodthirst/Relic, apply dots, activate Frenzy and then Berserk, spam Anni/VS

Normal/Low CD Burst - Leap, apply Dots, Berserk/Relic, spam Anni/VS


I can assure you that by doing this type of "rotation" I can beat any class in game. I did struggle sometimes againts operatives cause of their stuns/high DMG, but if you manage your defensive CDs with Choke and Intimidating you can win it easily.

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