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Here's an idea: Default preferences for companion


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The class forums are rife with input and complaints about various companion ability choices (or defaults) that annoy them:


- CC dosen't stay turned off when turned off

- Companion AI often results in failure to act/react appropriately (e.g., LoS impacts; companion won't adjust for positioning/isn't aware of LoS issues)

- Healing companions with offensive abilities do not stop trying to do damage when a heal is desperately needed (i.e., med scan = on should equal "heal me first, f00")

- Changing zones, dismiss/resummon, travel, et al each result in a return to the default state of companion abilities.




Why not create the ability to "assign" the companion's abilities as a default state that is checked upon zone change, load, etc. so that it is refreshed/set to expectation (i.e., if I turned something off, keep it off until I turn it back on). We know this is possible because it's the reason most of the above is happening!


A further refinement would be the ability to effectively set a companion to "only heal" or "only damage" and have all abilities set appropriately.


Also, the ability to have the companion ASSIST ANOTHER PLAYER. Holy crap, this is so important. (For that matter, assist me correctly until/unless I specifically tell you to attack something else.)


I think this would make a fairly massive difference/improvement in the overall companion play experience.


What are your thoughts?

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This isn't the correct avenue to provide feedback.


That said, and despite any tonality in the above statement, I totally agree with you. It also enrages me with the nuclear hatred of a thousand dying suns whenever I zone or load and I see my minimap zoomed all the way in and I know for a fact that the game has now reset my preferred location for the companion's bar to 'Bottom Center' instead of 'Left'. Or that you can't use the hotkeys associated with the companion bar past position 4 without having the bar fully extended. Or that you can't rearrange their abilities on the bar so the ones you actually use are among those four slots that are always visible.


Even through the laundry list of stuff I hate about this game, I still love the game, and still make frequent tickets about the little niggling things I don't like about it. It's the only way to get the information into the hands of those that need it (assuming they actually do as they say and forward it properly).

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