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Merc dilemma please lend opinions!


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Hey fellow mercs! :)


I have a level 29 merc and a level 36 marauder. I LOVE to pvp and I enjoy the merc play style so far. The marauder for me is slow and eye gouging. The only reason I play the marauder is becuase I hear in pvp mercs are too easily interrupted and easily defeated. What I would like to know is how true is that. I know mercs can place high on damage charts but that doesn't mean they are a good class for pvp.


I am aware survivability is lower as a merc but most ranged usually are. Does the lack of a interrupt really cripple the class and if I were to level mine to 50 would I regret it.


I know that in other games no matter how weak a class may seem a good player is someone who can overcome and do good regardless. Does that apply if that's the situation ?


Thanks guys I really appreciate any feelings yinz would like to share!

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for mercs to do well in pvp you must be highly aware of your environment and not the type of person with tunnel vision


learning how and when to move, and what your role is is vital


mercs should not run the ball in huttball, mercs should not be taking turrets or planting bombs on doors


mercs should be finding high ground or standing far back from engaged tanks and shredding enemys with rediculous damage


the moment you try to go toe to toe with anyone you will find the merc has the least escape, the least movement and the least versatility in pvp compared to any class. we do however have possibly the best damage overall in proper team fights


marauaders are ranged destroyers, they leap in, shred a merc and leap out. im not sure they are good for much else, but they are cryptonite for mercs and troopers when properly played


ranged dps is the most damage, marauders are ranged dps counters, tanks are melee dps counters, and ranged are tank counters, at least thats how the rock paper scissors appears to want to play out


the only real monkey wrench is that healers and invisible classes > all

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Wow thanks. That's more or less what I was hoping to hear. Would you say mercs can be considered valuable or a disposable?


No class is disposable. As Kunovega explained in his previous reply (very good explanation btw.) you'll be fine and quite valuable if I can add if you know your role, if you know how to position yourself and also know your limits.

But there are other classes out there with a ton more of utility and a complete PvP tool-kit (see sorcs, the good ones, and yes the marauders you were speaking of).

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Your playstyle and adaptability depending on the situation and enviroment around you are key to whether you will be successful at any given class.


That said, there are a few misconceptions that have been perpetuated about the mercenary class in PvP. First, they are not as easy to kill as some people believe, getting a melee on you isnt a death sentance. It is very dependent on your knowledge of your class and of your enemy and situational awareness.


Second, mercenaries are no easier to interupt than any other class. Those people that believe that an interupted merc = a dead merc are the same TM spamming ******* in the warzones that are giving mercs a bad name, we have more things to use than just TM, pay attention and when you get interupted fill in with other abilities, hell use rapid shots while you reposition, just dont stand there trying to spam your one button solution like an idiot and you will be fine.


Lastly, your chosen spec will change your playstyle by a lot, go arsenal and you will have to be more enviroment aware watching for people scoping you and keeping LoS objects close for when you need to beat feet. Go pyro and you will need to be situationally aware, keeping an eye on your DoT's and making sure your using your procs but youre much more mobile. Going bodyguard you will need to be more aware of your team, sticking with them to be of more use.

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So what I am getting out of everyone's replies, is that it's bad mercs giving th *** a bad rap. Also that its really not that bad of a class in pvp. However, on the other hand how do they fare in end game pvp? Are the ranged dps mercs decent? Or are they better off as healers?
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Wow thanks. That's more or less what I was hoping to hear. Would you say mercs can be considered valuable or a disposable?


firstly Kunovega rocks and is spot on +10 to Kunovega


secondly once people know who you are and what you do (as a good arsenal) you get focus fired by 3 to 5 people every time they see you.


would a disposable person be focus fired by melee when standing away from the objective? I don't think so.


huttball: I love this game type, i rarely follow the ball carrier, I rarely get to the spawn point for the ball, I play defense. Hang out on the top tier, knock off or kill the other team hanging out waiting for the pass, kill anyone in range, stun them when standing on the fire traps...


I do NOT get most medals, I do NOT get most damage, but since I assumed this stance my teams win ratio has gone up a LOT. Team play + wins for daily quest, being on the top of the list does not always make you MVP. When my team is scoring i have little to do except attack enemies at the ball spawn point from up high and then only if they are there.

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secondly once people know who you are and what you do (as a good arsenal) you get focus fired by 3 to 5 people every time they see you.


would a disposable person be focus fired by melee when standing away from the objective? I don't think so.


this is why as a merc, a team is extremely important. there are perhaps better choices if you are always solo que, but as a member of a team i am loved


the bottom line: the other team MUST focus you or they die and die again. just by being that focal point gives you an advantage. it allows someone else to go score the ball or plant the bomb or steal the turret.


you are either a constant distraction that they must deal with, or they die and you win anyway. as a merc you also have a decent surivavability in a group with a healer, you dont die as fast as say a sniper being focused. while a sniper "might" out damage you if he is left alone, he will not live as long as you if you are playing the decoy and being focused


sniper and merc fit similar roles in pvp, merc has a longer lifespan and more area effects and can flit cleanly between damage dealer and decoy, sniper is potentially more single target damage and not as an effective a decoy when focused


huttball: I love this game type, i rarely follow the ball carrier, I rarely get to the spawn point for the ball, I play defense. Hang out on the top tier, knock off or kill the other team hanging out waiting for the pass, kill anyone in range, stun them when standing on the fire traps...


i run back and forth between their tier and ours, on defense you can knock them into the pit and rain damage on them. on offense you can screen adds from the ball carrier while the healer/tank make a push you are clearing off enemy snipers/mercs and harrassing anyone trying to get back to the ball


I do NOT get most medals, I do NOT get most damage, but since I assumed this stance my teams win ratio has gone up a LOT. Team play + wins for daily quest, being on the top of the list does not always make you MVP. When my team is scoring i have little to do except attack enemies at the ball spawn point from up high and then only if they are there.


i actually do typically get most damage and kills, though occasionally im out damaged by a decent sniper. as for most medals the only reason we cant get most medals is the lack of a shield to put on other people. theres no reason you cant get several damage and killing medals and an assassin medal and at least a defender medal and the 2500k heal medal. the only class that can consistantly get more medals than a merc are tanks since anyone can do 75k damage, getting kills basically just means they had to hit who you were attacking at some point and than they get defender medals for using a shield and pickup the healing medals with med packs


personally i think what needs to get changed is med packs for healing yourself should not be giving medals

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I've never been much of a PvP player in other MMOs, but I'm having a blast playing a Mercenary in the Warzones in this game. My character is currently level 39 (Arsenal). It took many levels and trying different approaches and reading information in this forum to come up with a play style that I enjoy.

I try to stay off of the bottom level of Huttball except at the very beginning. I go down then, get behind a corner and focus fire on whomever of the opposition goes after the ball. After that I try to get elevated and work damage in whenever the opportunity allows. I'm not a TM button-masher. I tried that and found that my short attention span didn't care for this approach I try to use every offensive ability at least once in each match. Don't get me wrong, Tracer Missile is an important set-up for other Merc abilites. Use it, but don't abuse that button.

You're going to die. As time has gone by I have noticed that I garner more attention from the opposition now. Be aware of your surroundings. As someone said in a previous post, tunnel vision will get you killed. Fire and move. Look for corners to break line of sight. Keep in mind that corners work in all three dimensions in Warzones. Move back from the edge of a walkway if you're taking fire from below or move below one if you're getting hit from above. A Mercenary is fun to play and good in a lot of situations, but not in every situation. When two glowstick swingers get on you there's not much you're going to be able to do to get away without help.

Bottom line; find a play style that you enjoy then perfect it.



Brian a.k.a. Ruger, Level 39 Mercenary

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Wow thanks. That's more or less what I was hoping to hear. Would you say mercs can be considered valuable or a disposable?


Hey bud,


Just an FYI for you, if you go pyro you can still hold your own 1 on 1. Arsenal mercs do STUPID damage but they are indeed fodder if someone decides to kill them.


I personally play my merc as pyro, usually top DPS and it just tickles me when a melee jumps on me and thinks he is about to get an easy kill. I can kite melee to death very consitently 1 on 1.

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