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Sin tanking, threat issues?


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This seems to be the place to ask and most threads i could find were only people complaining. So I have to ask is the Sins threat lower then other tanks?? When I run hard modes unless im perfect with my "rotation" I lose threat and lose it fast.


My ability order is Chain lightening (with 3 stacks of shock) > Shock ( with recklessness if possible) > Thrash > Saber Strike. This is with keeping the debuffs from discharge and wither up.


The biggest issue I see is that as a tank im getting knocked around and/or CC'ed ( eg force choke in fallen emp) and am not able to generate threat in these conditions. IMO tanks need at least a 50% chance to resist these mechanics in PvE as they are threat killers.

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This seems to be the place to ask and most threads i could find were only people complaining. So I have to ask is the Sins threat lower then other tanks?? When I run hard modes unless im perfect with my "rotation" I lose threat and lose it fast.

If you're confident that CC is what's causing your problem than you're half way to solving your own issue.


DPS needs to be instructed to throttle back to prevent aggro drop during those moments. Likewise you need to stay very far away from the rest of your party. If your healer or your DPS get within melee range of the mob in question, they will pull aggro completely off of you and there's nothing you can do about it.


So make sure when facing against known kb mobs you position yourself in a way that if a kb happens you're not dragging your target into your party. Any melee DPS you have should be under guard. Not your healer or ranged DPS.

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So far the only threat problems I have are with pyrotech, if I dont guard one it always pulls agro. Its good that we have only 1 pyrotech in guild...


p.s. hybrid darkness, but it shouldnt be a problem...

Edited by Vesperr
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Just posted this in another thread, but it applies here too:


Personally I play an Assassin Tank and I typically have no issues with threat up through HM Flashpoints. This being said, I also think that Assassin tanks do acutally bring the highest DPS of any tank spec. I sometimes find myself switching off strongs or elites that both my DPS are blowing up in order to tank something else. Typically DPS doesnt pull threat off me even though I am on a completely different target. This isnt always the case, but I notice it happening pretty frequently. Obviously this depends on how much threat I have already loaded up on said mobs.


Keep in mind I always use my AOE threat attacks in my rotation, even on single targets, this is because they both offer a nice mitigation debuff. Unless a DPS dies really early in the fight we usually never hit hard enrages either.


With respect to my gear, I always gear for more mitigation. The only thing that I sometimes swap in or out is my Lvl50 Matrix cube, which provides something like 48 willpower. Otherwise I use a relic with some kind of defensive CD. I recall one fight that I didnt use the matrix cube and we ended up hitting the engrage on the last boss in HM Foundry(turns out on of my DPS stopped DPS'ing during one of his phases because he had heard about some bug the boss had) We ran it again and beat the enrage by a long shot.

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I think Assassin threat is probably the highest right now of any of the tanks. Word of advice, if you want to burst more dps, don't use discharge (a lot of bosses' attacks can't miss anyway), and sometimes I'll even let wither drop for a higher damage ability. I gamble a bit though because since i haven't done Nightmare mode, everything HM and lower doesn't really hit so hard that 5% will make a huge difference, so if I drop it for 1 cycle, no big deal. I do make sure i have it on when bosses AOE etc though.


Also, the DPS relics have high end and good burst, I pop one at the start of boss fights to get ahead for the rest of the fight.

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This seems to be the place to ask and most threads i could find were only people complaining. So I have to ask is the Sins threat lower then other tanks?? When I run hard modes unless im perfect with my "rotation" I lose threat and lose it fast.


My ability order is Chain lightening (with 3 stacks of shock) > Shock ( with recklessness if possible) > Thrash > Saber Strike. This is with keeping the debuffs from discharge and wither up.


The biggest issue I see is that as a tank im getting knocked around and/or CC'ed ( eg force choke in fallen emp) and am not able to generate threat in these conditions. IMO tanks need at least a 50% chance to resist these mechanics in PvE as they are threat killers.


To answer your question, I feel as though the sin has some of the highest threat of the three.


I always open from stealth for all group encounters. I use a rotation like this:


Dark Ward (pre-pull) > Wither > Discharge > Thrash (until Energize) > Shock (continue with Thrash until you get the Energize buff 3x from shock) > Recklessness (if hp is low) > Force Lightning (3x stack for self-heal) > Repeat


Make sure in between you're reapplying your wither and dark ward constantly. You generally want these on CD as much as possible. Use saber strike when low on force. Also throw in Overcharged Saber when the situation calls for it.


Force Pull + Taunt are your friends when a mob runs away from you to attack a teammate. Only AoE taunt if multiple mobs are breaking away, or the boss has an aggro dump mechanic. Use overload to buy your healer some time, and use lacerate periodically when fighting 3+ mobs.


Using these mechanics/priority rotations, I RARELY lose aggro in any encounter. It's definitely much easier to hold threat over multiple mobs on my assassin then it is on my juggernaut, that's for sure.


Hope this helps :D

Edited by Muse
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