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Fixing imbalance issues in Ilum


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so my suggestion to help fix some of the imbalance issues in the PvP section of Ilum is pretty simple. Since the population of Empire Vs. Republic is around 5:1 putting the armament crates in all 3 locations. Northern, Central, Southern Assaults, will thin out the amount of empire players throughout the zone. Therefore letting republic form some squads that can actually survive and do some hit and run tactics as well as being able to control a point possible for awhile letting them complete their dailies/weekly. I play a Bounty Hunter so I can only imagine how frustrating it is for them to get these objectives complete each day/week.
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Fixing imbalance issues:


Step 1: Put Illum on another server

Step 2: Anyone traveling to Illum goes to that server within the regions



All of European Empire and Republic players can battle each other


Same goes with all the other regions.



Step 3: Introduce a buff that applies a boost to a side that is outnumbered based on how many of that side is actually on vs. enemies

I.E 50% or less - Lesser side gets X boost to bring parity


Illum would effectively become an inter-server PVP hub which should create some viciously epic large scale battles.

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