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LFG/LFD Tool....and some ranting


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I tried reading every post on this topic as a means to avoid being redundant but my eyes started to hurt. I’m on the fence with the whole LFG/LFD system being updated/added whatever. Some additional features would be nice, but at the same time there is cause for concern on my part. I started playing WoW on and off right after TBC came out and stopped right after CATA was released. I never got the chance to do any raiding due to real life (former Military) and my habit of making lots and lots of alts, but I did tank/heal/dps many dungeons. (got two toons to 80 and four to 60-70) When looking for a group back then I’ll admit it was a bit tedious, but at the same time it caused me to meet some good people (bad as well). After you group with the same people, level with them, get to know them pretty good bonds are formed over time.


If you are on enough, your toon’s (your) reputation will precede you. You could be known as that omnipotent healer, the tank that can stop gravity, or that crazy dpser which slays mobs in seconds while being afk. In the middle you could be known as the guy/girl who has a solid understanding of some key components, pretty good at tanking/healing/dps, but can’t find their way around even if provided a map with blinking lights. Now on the other side of the coin…..you are that ninja, that player that knows what they are doing but due to your knowledge you feel you are above the rest, you feel the need to tell everyone how to play their class in a condescending manner, and you are the first to go into a nerd rage when everyone around you doesn’t play to your standard.


After the cross server LFG/LFD system was implemented in WoW there was, sadly, a decrease in the overall positive interactions amongst the community. Players were emulating a social category more and more as opposed to a social group. Not to insult anyone’s intellectual level here but a social group is a collection of people who interact with each other and share similar characteristics and a sense of unity. While a social category is a collection of people who do not interact but who share similar characteristics. So, yes they were all players/gamers, but the level of interaction between everyone became almost nonexistent…it was really sad. The sense of “hey we are all gamers trying to improve and have fun let’s all get along” went out the window as well (not on all levels, just generally speaking).


You had the elitist super players, the well rounded players, the casual, and the completely new. Not saying the LFG/LFD caused this to happen all on its own, people will be people, but it sure accelerated its progress. Some will laugh at the thought of the word “community” and MMO/MMORPG being used in the same sentence, but hear me out (you’ve read this much of my rant anyway lol). The community is what drives me to these types of games. What could be more fun than playing video games? Playing with more people of course! Helping each other along the way, staying up late with your buddies slaying mobs left and right, all those “you had to be there for it to be funny moments”……come on I can’t be the only player that feels this way. Understanding that your actions may have an impact on other’s perceptions of you is an essential element of being a functional member of society as well as an adult. Why should this change just because you are behind a keyboard and mouse?


After LFG/LFD was put in I think a lot of people simply forgot that the tanks/healers/dps that they were grouped with were actually living breathing people. Don’t get me wrong it was a great tool for them to introduce, but it also made it all too easy for people to just /rageomgleavegroup and halt the progress of the group. It didn’t matter that they just pulled a one over on the other 4 people, talked to them like they were lower than dogs (I love dogs by the way lol) because they could just pull up LFG/LFD and do it all over again. Throw in cross server and there is even a slimmer chance they will run into those players again. Yeah, sure you can let the other people in the group know that “that guy/girl is a ninja, kick them till they fall out of their chair!” Why give them a vehicle to fuel their habit? Say it is your very first time going through a particular flashpoint and you aren’t really sure how its mechanics run. “You don’t know what you’re doing noob L2P!” /(insert your name here) KICK! How is that rational? How are they going to learn if you never give them the chance?


I sincerely hope that if/when LFG/LFD gets implemented people don’t abuse it. Rather we, the players, remember that everyone starts off somewhere. Okay that is it. I’m done with my rant. I hope I didn’t waste too much of your time and maybe, just maybe you feel me. Trolls please give me a minute for my troll ward to come off cool down before you post.

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I agree with you but I truly hope that BW never puts a LFD finder in this game it's what killed WOW for me. Don't get me wrong it was an awesome tool when it 1st came out but once people saw that they could be complete and utter D-bags without any consequences it destroyed the game for me and made it not fun to play any more.
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I agree with you but I truly hope that BW never puts a LFD finder in this game it's what killed WOW for me. Don't get me wrong it was an awesome tool when it 1st came out but once people saw that they could be complete and utter D-bags without any consequences it destroyed the game for me and made it not fun to play any more.


i second this, lfg killed wow soical world, it used to be about doing stuff with other people on your server, to everyone is now waiting in the citys for dungeons, bgs, ect..and the odd few people out in the world leveling


problem these game have is to much end game and not enough material as you level to make the game last longer, grind end gear should not be a games main goal, as your character is supposed be living in this fantasy world, i would rather have more middle gameplay and stuff that makes you interact with others on your server/faction side rather than end game that offers nothing but gear grind, which makes more people just sit in towns chatting to guild friends waiting for lame raids, there should be more content that brings players back out into the open world interacting with fellow gamers..

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I liked the LFG/LFD tool in wow; I did not like what it did to the community in WoW. Stopped knowing others people on the server and also noticed steep decline in server forum posts as a result. It hurt the game IMO since a game that it socially based needs to have people a little more emotionally invested in it.
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