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Maximize DPS in WZs


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Just curious how other Marauders maximize their dps output?


Atm I can for sure do 300k in a WZ when trying. But do others try to spread their bleeds around to other people when they are up and your FF (focus fire) target has em on it.


Like when Annihilation Procs and allows Rupture to come off its GCD?


Just curious how people get 400K+. The max I have ever done was 399k, and that was some pretty intense gameplay on my part.



***another question***


Would it be better to focus on Crit Chance rather than Power, being that in Annihilation it seems to depend on crits to get the heals back, and is there a crit cap?? Because, from what I have seen alot of the champion gear seems to be lacking on crit/surge?


Open to all criticism and help

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Padding damage meters is bad. Focus on single target.


The best way to get high damage on scoreboards is to fight healer-heavy teams.



Regarding stat priorities, I don't have any concrete answers. My speculation is that power/surge are most valuable. We have a lot of auto crits(scream, smash, berserk) which devalue crit. I don't have any actual numbers to back that up though, so listen to the smarter people when they get around to posting.

Edited by Sayc
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