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Why questions on Aliens!


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Just in case I missed something I have no idea why it is the way it is. Why is the Empire so down on aliens? I understand that the Empire is like Nazi *** on Heroin. But if the Sith are the top dogs of the Empire and there are a lot of alien Sith. So why all the hate?


And something else! IF most aliens are derivatives of humans, why are they aliens? Chiss are blue with red eye, so, what makes them so alien?

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Just in case I missed something I have no idea why it is the way it is. Why is the Empire so down on aliens? I understand that the Empire is like Nazi *** on Heroin. But if the Sith are the top dogs of the Empire and there are a lot of alien Sith. So why all the hate?


And something else! IF most aliens are derivatives of humans, why are they aliens? Chiss are blue with red eye, so, what makes them so alien?


Sith hierarchy has Pureblood Sith at the top of the pyramid. Now, Pureblood Sith in this time no longer means the red skinned guys. In Ancient times, Dark Side Jedi (Humans) fleeing from a war they broke out and loss with the Jedi found the Sith species and enslaved them. Soon, the two groups intermingled and created the Dark Side based Sith Empire. People who descend from this original society are known as Pureblood Sith.


As for why are other aliens alien if they look like human... Because they evolved on different planets. The only reason they look human like is because its easier to have a human actor play those roles, and therefore many aliens created for Star Wars and other IPs over time are human like. In lore, they themselves are not fromt the same branches of evolution like you seem to suggest.

Edited by LX_Theo
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Just in case I missed something I have no idea why it is the way it is. Why is the Empire so down on aliens? I understand that the Empire is like Nazi *** on Heroin. But if the Sith are the top dogs of the Empire and there are a lot of alien Sith. So why all the hate?


And something else! IF most aliens are derivatives of humans, why are they aliens? Chiss are blue with red eye, so, what makes them so alien?


The empire is so down on aliens to make the SI story work. Other than that it just to make us "evil." As a sith I get pissy when ever someone is racist to anyone in my story lines. The sith are about power, if you have power it doesn't matter what race you are you should have it.

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Sith Pureblood refers to any creature that exhibits the dominant traits of the sith race. Prior to the current era, the less traits of that ancestry demonstrated was more desirable (meaning if you had sith blood but looked human you were top of the top). In the current era, the darker red your skin, the darker red your eyes, and the more prominent your sith features (facial tentacles, bone ridges, etc.) the better you are.


The hierarchy basically goes:



Sith Pureblood


Human Sith (optimal to have some SP blood)


Force-sensitive Aliens (Sith who are twi'leks, for example)


Non-Force users





Edited by DarkestDaemon
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