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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestion that will help balance all servers..


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Or Jedi Ewoks to compete with WoW's pandas. I would definitely roll an Ewok Guardian. Of course, I am already playing republic, so I don't count.


Ewoks werent discovered until Return of the Jedi unfortunately :( movie and lore-wise.

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Maybe the Ewoks were prolific before the battle of Endor, but the reason they're not in any lore is because the Empire hunted them to what they thought was extinction. They could have been technologically advanced (and adorable) cyborgs who got all the chicks and made the Emperor jealous. So jealous that he struck their very mention from absolutely all history. Only a few survived when they crashed their transport on the moon of Endor and no technology remained. Only the story of the heroic golden protocol droid who sacrificed himself so the Ewoks could live was handed down through the generations.


Or we can stop talking about playing Ewoks.

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What is your point?


My point is that 4000 years is a large time frame. Bioware can come up with new lore about Ewoks. Also, lore is video games don't have to be completely consistent with lore of the movies they are based off of.

Edited by Boldfury
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