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How to fix Marauders in PvP.


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As Marauders, we really aren't the best in PvP. Here's a short example of things that could help us massively in PvP.


Juggs have force push, give US force pull.

Make Predation also remove roots/snares.

Either give us more damage reduction or remove Cloak of pain and give us the ability to equip heavy armor.

Give us some sort of Aoe knockback/push. We have none.


Our damage is fine, survivability...not so much.


Of course we won't be getting ALL of this but at least some would help us out.

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IMO either we should get heavy armor for a little more survivability and force push or force pull (I'd take pull).


Or, if we're going to have fewer tricks than everybody else, and we can't spec for tank or damage, then we should be able to out damage every other class except sniper.


Right now, my friend who is a Powertech tank spec does MORE damage than I do in PVP (although barely, we're about tied), and he also gets protection medals.


That is just plain unfair.


He gets better armor so he has more survivability, he has ranged attacks so the knockbacks and stuns aren't nearly as problematic, and he gets things like the ability to pull people across the battlefield.



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I think medium armor is not giving the level of protection the game designers intended when Bioware is making statements about how they didnt expect players to achieve the extremely high amounts of damage that they are with consumables and buffs, maybe we will see a medium armor buff in the future.
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