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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Star Wars: The Old Republic (VS.) Guild Wars 2


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Just curious to see what the communities reaction is to the news today that Guild Wars 2 is aiming for aggressive beta testing in the next few months. And a 2012 release (looking like summer time this year).




I will likely continue my 6 month subscription here with Star Wars and play Guild Wars 2 (option 1 below) since Guild Wars is continuing with their free-to-play subscription. But I wanted to see what everyone else was planning on doing.


  1. Going to keep subscription with Star Wars: The Old Republic and play Guild Wars 2.
  2. Going to only play Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  3. Going to cancel my Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription temporarily while I play Guild Wars 2. I plan on coming back.
  4. Going to cancel my Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription and play Guild Wars 2. If GW2 is awesome I probably won't be back.

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I played a couple of 40 minute demos of GW2 with both premade high level characters and low level characters. The game is decent but honestly it reminds me of every other fantasy MMO on the market.


I reminds me of a Rift + Warhammer Online fusion. Which is not a bad thing, but it feels like that.


The fact there is no Raids, no dedicated healers and no real progression is what I don't like. GW2 is a type of game that will be cool for a month. The only thing that sounds cool is the WvWvW PvP.

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Option Number 1. Swtor is by far the better game. Everyone says guild wars 2 is the new innovative MMO that is Free to play to boot, however having tested the game at eurogamer 2011 in london I can safely say that some things are cool, but Its just more of what we already experienced. PvP is the same as any other type of PvP and nothing innovative.


Yeah it will pull about the same amount of players as Guild wars at its peak, thats about it.


Swtor, might not go above 1 million subs or stay steady at 800 000 or so, but that is not a shame. even then the game is still succesful

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I alpha tested for one and loved the game. My biggest issue right now is playing with friends, and for whatever reason I am having a hard time getting them all into this game. If everyone dives in on GW2 like they did the first, I really don't see myself staying. Either way, I will most definately be playing it.
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