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I went from SW to JK...


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Yeah. The middle part of the SW story is a bit of a 'go here, kill X, go there, kill Y, go thither, kill Z' marathon that concludes in a fairly spiffy "Kill the dude!" affair that sets you up beautifully for what's gonna be coming next.


Where things get interesting, and then more interesting, and then even more interesting when THE THING YOU KNEW WAS COMING SOMETIME happens.


And then you're all "Oh it's ON now!", and then you kill more dudes because, hey, let's face it, you're a Sith Warrior; killing all the dudes is why you exist. But this time, it's personal; you want these dudes dead, you want to kill their families in their front yard and burn their houses down as examples to everyone else. With the lemons.


And then there are the dudes that are all like, " 'Sup. You and His Emperory Bigness, you're down. So like, kill these dudes that you wanna kill anyway with some absolutely official encouragement to kill them dudes"


And then you're all "I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, B**CH!" even if you're a marauder, and at the end, when the shmuck is all "O'noez you can't do this, somebody help me; somebody, anybody!" you're all like, "FALCON PAWNCH!" and it is on like crayon.


At when it's all said and done, those fools in their fancy chairs know. They KNOW what's up, and then you walk into the camera like you're gonna grab the theoretical person holding it, eat their bleepy-bleeping costume and smash the camera for daring to exist in your presence.



It's kinda like that. You missed the best parts if you gave up at 27.


ZOMG I'm totally rerolling SW! Seriously.

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The Jedi knight story is very... Jedi like... (who would have thought?)...


I play mine mostly light, except when love is involved, then sometimes some dark points are gained. I really liked the fact that while I am saving the galaxy, I am still checking out the ladies (read Kira) trying to get me some... Its that little 'imperfection' that fleshes out my character for me.


He has got nothing on my smuggler though.

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Force Persuade aka "Jedi Mind trick" is a subtle thing....something that Sith are not exactly known for.


That said, i do wish there were more subtle and manipulation options for the darkside


you are very wrong.


the earliest know mind trick was Sith'ari Adas..


He could entrance the entire planet with his dark side powers and project fear/thoughts into millions of people at once...


The dark side is actually WAAAY more on the mind trick than the light side.


Even in game the dread masters can project terror into entire armies.

Edited by Zantul
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