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watchman build. Critque please


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This is what i plan on doing. Level 44 now. Basically looking for a good PvE and PvP build.


Link to build


A few questions on this:


- Should I swap Force Fade for Watchguard? A 2 second reduced CD on kick seems pretty awesome. There have been quite a few times I have to interrupt and it's almost off CD but not sure if 2 seconds will make a difference. Force Fade has saved me from a nasty repair bill a couple times. Useful but not often.


-Once my watchman tree is complete, I'm kinda struggling with the extras to put in the other trees. I like the idea of increased Crit from the Focus tree but nothing else in that tree does much since it relies heavily on the Shii-Cho form which I will never use. I like the idea of Defensive Forms for centering generation and the increased focus of Force Leap seems very helpful. Thoughts here?


- How helpful is the increased damage for offhand from Dual Wield Mastery? 36% sounds kinda crappy for 3 talent points.

Edited by mattnaik
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Hybrid builds typically work better for other class builds that I've seen. For Sentinel, though, you've got to get devoted.


A couple things I see:

1) Why waste two points on Focused Leap (Combat), those two points would be MUCH MUCH better spent in Close Quarters (Watchman). You're losing out on the one extra focus BUT you gain the ability to leap from melee range, which means you'll be able to use it and gain three focus whenever you need to. Especially since you took the leap cooldown in Watchman, that's a much better use of two points than Focused Leap. If you want to grab Focused Leap later (after finishing Watchman) that's the time to do it.


2) Yes, yes, yes, invest in Watchguard. Force Kick is you best and most useful interrupt, and with the cooldown it makes it readily available almost all the time. By the time the seal effect from kick is over, it should be up and ready to interrupt again. Makes it invaluable in PvE situations for enemies that only have one skill they try to use, since you can interrupt it 100 percent of the time. And in PvP play, more interrupt ability never hurts.


3) Force Fade gets most of its benefit in PvP, since when you drop Camouflage you'll be temporarily 100% damage resistance. Also is useful in PvE for if you're getting whooped and need a second to catch your breath.


I'm strictly a PvE player and this is what I'm going for. I'm currently 41 - finished my Watchman tree and now am starting to invest in those Combat skills: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMcGzZhRr.1

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I was reading your response and wonder what exactly you were talking about, then I clicked my link to my build and it completed jacked up the URL so it only filled out half.


No amount of editing the URL does anything...it's replacing letters with **** in the middle.


My build is almost the same as yours the only difference being Force Fade instead of Watchguard and Insight in the focus tree instead of Defensive Rolls.

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