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Cross-Server PVP


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Personally i believe they need to add proper level brackets, such as 10-19, 20-29 and so on..


Why is this even a concern when it takes 20 hours to get to level 50, nobody (except you and a few others) care about pvpings at lower levels. they already made a level 50 bracket so keep rolling alts ?

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Why is this even a concern when it takes 20 hours to get to level 50, nobody (except you and a few others) care about pvpings at lower levels. they already made a level 50 bracket so keep rolling alts ?


So by your statement, the only time i can stop to enjoy pvp is once i hit lvl50?

I'm suppose to rush straight to lvl50, ignore all the content just to be able to enjoy a portion of the game? Do me a favor. queue up pvp on lvl10-49 bracket and tell me the lvls of the players you will find.. Are they all 49? are they all atleast in their 40's.. No... People dont want to wait till 50 to enjoy pvp, i think is a great break from PvE'ing, but why not make it balanced while at it?

The bracket system is there, just needs to be implemented with cross-server and it would be perfect for pvper of ALL levels.

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there is already enough tools in pvp, I don't want to deal with more from every server.



and No brackets!


1-49 is fine. adding brackets will just increase queue times.

Edited by Yamok
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Cross server pvp has already been announced along with a leaderboard however to my knowledge there is no release date


Cross server pvp will be a great thing to players on light servers! of course people on heavys dont care cause they can get into them! for me to pvp i have to ORGANIZE IT evrey night and its a terrible experience


second to complain about cross server PVP because your afraid youll get beat by people possibly better or more geared than you is just insanity with that logic im not even sure why your pvping

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How about no. Every server has an empire/republic imbalance favoring towards the empire. How would cross server queues help this at all? I have no issue with queue times. And my server isn't even one of the higher pop servers...


How do we really know this? The last we heard from Bioware 54% of players rolled Empire and 46% Republic. My server, Fa'Athra, is an overwhelmingly Republic dominated (based on endless RvR huttball matches) and mostly high population server. Other posts have listed servers that are also Republic dominated.


Cross server PVP may actually bring warzones into this 54/46 zone rather than the 80/20 Republic on my server and probably 80/20 Empire on others. Thus, cross server PVP would help even out the imbalance issue. Yes, the Empire would play slightly more huttball against each other in cross server PVP, but almost certainly less than it is now.


In other words, cross server PVP would cause warzone matches to reflect the actual population. The only really good argument against cross server PVP is the community issue, which is a very valid point.

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Why is this even a concern when it takes 20 hours to get to level 50, nobody (except you and a few others) care about pvpings at lower levels. they already made a level 50 bracket so keep rolling alts ?


For one thing, it takes some of us longer than 20 hours to Lvl to 50. Second the Main reason why I would pvp before 50 would be to get a head start on my VALOR Lvl, it's alot better to hit 50 with your valor almost half way or more to 60 which is the Lvl you need to open BM bags, so once I get my last 3 pieces of champ gear with my valor rank at Lvl 38 because I didn't pvp until I was Lvl 47. Champ bags will be useless to me as there is no system in place to turn cent comms to champ comms, and champ comms to BM comms so now I'll just be grinding WZ until I hit 60 valor. I can't stress enough about how your above statement had no forethought into it what so ever

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Honestly I >HATE< cross-server pvp. It is so much more fun when you have good rivalries going between guilds that you can actually frequently fight. I don't mind waiting an extra 5 or so min if it means I can keep a solid constantly competitive pvp community alive.
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