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Thnx BW, I think you're doing a good job.


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All the negativity titles just get me down. I think BW is doing a pretty good job. 1.1 fixed some pvp-issues. Also the tried to balance some stuff out. Sure I dont like the healing nerf in combat, but Im a healer, so that makes a bit biased. IMO the good stuff need to be vocalised as well, which is now being trumped by mainly qq posts.


  • I love the fact that Im able to level a character doing only classquests and pvp-warzones from level 10 and hitting 50 in 5 days played time.
  • I love the warzones, which after countless hours of play still dont make me get bored of them.
  • I love that as a healer I still need to think about cc'ing and helping to drop a person when he's almost down.
  • I love the balancing they are trying to do, with regular updates. Even if sometimes some people think they are crap. At least they are trying actively.
  • I love that I can do quests as a healer and actually finnish quests in time, having way less of a disadvantage over dps like in some other MMO's.
  • etc.


My opinion is that SWTOR is a great game which indeed needs improving, but ALL mmo's always need improving. I hope that most people think of it like that and that all the qq'ing is just the small minority.

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