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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 12 looting chests on Ilum


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I just had to fight my way through a huge wave of mobs for this level 12 to come and steal it from me please have him banned or something




(edit) I denied some of the chests i feel bad Im willing to give what I got 6.5k-ish, 2 shield generators

Edited by Fluffman
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Easy fix : the mobs should aggro the chest opener, and the chest should respawn only if mobs are in the camp. and finally the chest should only be opened by the one fightiung the mobs guarding the chest.


and for the fun, lvl 40 and less should be in perma PVP mode on Ilum. :D

Edited by DarkMarshmallow
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Can someone plz tell me in a nuttshell what is up with these boxes?

Im a level 47 BH and never travelled to Illum.

Did I miss something?!

I see loads of threads with people complainging low levels loot chests. But I have seriously no clue who/what/why this is a problem...

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I found the same on my server. Used to be just 1 guy, then eventually #2 showed up.

Checking the /who list I saw a 3rd low lvl.

I hunted around and bam, found more chests.

I put in a ticket daily for 2 weeks, and they are still there.

I was hoping to get some cheap greens for my companions, but nope.

Gold farmers need cash too.


As for fighting the mobs, as a sniper I still get beat up a bit by them and still no guarantee they will AOE and hit the guy.


Oops, noticed this was on Ilum, same concept, but my issue is on Corellia.

Theres 1 spot with 2 chests, spawning every 7 mins 15 secs, and another spot that spawns 3.

I'm not sure their respawn timer.

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Indeed they've created the situation! What on earth were they thinking.


Actually I was wrong, that would just force them to level up their bots then they'd continue to bot... But a level restriction is a good start at delaying them. Other than reporting them or Bioware *gasp* actually having a GM online to check boxes, there's no way to stop them...

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Actually I was wrong, that would just force them to level up their bots then they'd continue to bot... But a level restriction is a good start at delaying them. Other than reporting them or Bioware *gasp* actually having a GM online to check boxes, there's no way to stop them...

And reading tickets submitted to them on that matter.

There's this lvl 15 Sith Assassin on Ilum on my server, hiding between some Imperial mobs that were only meant for the PvE component of Ilum. But since the lvl 15 is an Imperial, the mobs won't do a thing either.


Ticket submitted, I've got a bunch of screenshots on my harddisk as well to prove it, but nothing happens.


There's a lvl 50 ELITE standing right next to it. As a republican, you'll at least have to kill the elite first to get the chest, but not for this lvl 15 Imperial: just sit and loot. That farmer must've made a million just during this weekend. Where's the non-factional ackdog when you need one?

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And reading tickets submitted to them on that matter.

There's this lvl 15 Sith Assassin on Ilum on my server, hiding between some Imperial mobs that were only meant for the PvE component of Ilum. But since the lvl 15 is an Imperial, the mobs won't do a thing either.


Ticket submitted, I've got a bunch of screenshots on my harddisk as well to prove it, but nothing happens.


There's a lvl 50 ELITE standing right next to it. As a republican, you'll at least have to kill the elite first to get the chest, but not for this lvl 15 Imperial: just sit and loot. That farmer must've made a million just during this weekend. Where's the non-factional ackdog when you need one?

Im playing on Master Zhar Lestin My cords where the chest is 844, 7 and theres a champ standing here that is passive for me

Edited by Fluffman
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