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General Marauder Musings


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Alright, so after getting the game a couple days ago I was really psyched to start playing yadda yadda yadda.


My main in WoW is a fury warrior. He dual wields. He whips out a mess of damage so fast you didn't even know he was there. That being said, what class do you think I'd choose?


I chose the *********** marauder. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. This mother****er is ******. But there's just some **** that doesn't feel quite right. Such as...


- When I charge, it either works and lags for two seconds, or shows it working and then I end up right where I started.


- All of my special moves tend to randomly just not work at all. Like, I hit it. And nothing happens. Over and over, regardless of cooldown.


- I'm *********** squishy. Even if I pop both of my damage reducing abilities, I'm *********** squishy. I can get off maybe two moves in PvP before the one guy tears my *** apart.


To sum it up, I just don't see any fluidity with the class that I expected. Is this intentional? I realize the rotation is a priority system, and you have to work around rage and cooldowns, but god damn. Wheres the flowing technique to technique? Isn't that what a marauder is? A master of bladed combat?

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Your first two points you made are bugs and they intend to fix that. The squishy part is because of gear. You having played a fury warrior in WoW, you know how gear dependent the class is. Same goes for Marauders, except we wear medium armor instead of heavy. I am extremely geared at the moment and to be honest I feel more tanky than juggernauts should. If I have my cooldowns that is. If not then we melt like butter, but we also have a ******** of mobility and escape mechanisms.
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Well I'm definitely glad they tend to fix those bugs. I just hope they add more damage or let us wear heavy. I mean, pvp is laughable. But that's not specifically what I'm talking about. Even in pve, it's takes a damn good amount of planning to take a group with a silver in it. God forbid I take a gold without getting a charge off. Notice how after every cinematic we're standing right by the guy we're suppose to kill? Basically makes him **** our comp in seconds, and then **** us in return.


But then again I imagine if they fix the bugs, our damage should increase.


EDIT: And by the way, where can I find the patch notes saying what they intend to fix?

Edited by Shane_D_Gray
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welcome to Marauder.


ib4t L2p.


Apparently you don't know what the forums are for. Feedback. Game just came out basically, so I'm basically letting people know my problems so I can see how to deal with them.


And guess what douchebag: They're real problems. They're bugs. This class is not "working as intended." If you think so, then you're just plain stupid.

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Your first two points you made are bugs and they intend to fix that. The squishy part is because of gear. You having played a fury warrior in WoW, you know how gear dependent the class is. Same goes for Marauders, except we wear medium armor instead of heavy. I am extremely geared at the moment and to be honest I feel more tanky than juggernauts should. If I have my cooldowns that is. If not then we melt like butter, but we also have a ******** of mobility and escape mechanisms.


^Hit the nail on the head. Super gear dependant, one of the harder classes to lvl just like the warrior in WoW. Once you hit your 40's though and get your last teir abilities from talent trees like Massacre you notice that you sh** on everything. In our current state we have better survivability CD's than tanks. I typically can destroy anyone that jumps me in 1v1 and im Carnage spec. The true PvP spec being Rage. They get the jump on me, stun lock me to 30-50% hp.. I start popping CD's and laugh as I chase them and they come to the realization that spamming their spacebar will not save them as I force scream them for over 4k. GG

We have A LOT of broken abilities and buffs atm but once they fix everything I think we will start taking nerfs. One such broken ability that I never see anyone talk about is Vicious Throw not hitting as hard as Force Scream. Even after figuring in the 30% increased critical dmg from talents Vicious Throw should be hitting harder than Force Scream but I have yet to see it. Perhaps it is because it's the only energy based ability we have and is registering as white dmg and thus not getting as much dmg bonus as our other special abilites do. Donno but I'd like to see it being addressed.

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